Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Trip #1: O'Leno SP FL

Welcome to our long-delayed blog. Now that we are settled in Colorado and are fortunate enough to be enjoying so many fascinating areas of the Four Corners, it seemed like time to share these incredible images through this blog. This also includes a year of trips in Florida before the big move. All this could not have been possible without the acquisition of our little “hard tent,” the Airstream. It’s a 2004 International CCD Bambi 19’, but it’s a perfect size to get us into the smaller campgrounds of state and national parks, plus provide the basic human necessities of life that Sheila requires. After months of searching, Bill found this little baby online and much to our surprise and relief after an all-day drive to Georgia, it lived up to its hype – it was a keeper! And the 2004 VW Touareg V8 with air suspension is the perfect match -- except it doesn't back up straight.

April 21 - 23, 2007
O’Leno State Park – High Springs, FL

A one-day drive to Georgia (1200 mi. RT) to fetch the new toy – and much to our relief it was as they said it would be: used but in very good condition with “10 trips” under its belt. We hooked up and dragged it south, with a stop for the night near Gainesville, FL. Cold enough to try out the heater. Managed to get in a short hike too, and saw a little…ahem, bambi.

Park Info: In the mid-1800s, a town was founded upstream from where the river disappears. Perhaps first known as Keno, after a game of chance, the settlement was later called Leno. The town grew, and a mill, general store, hotel and livery stable were built. Leno was the end of the line for the first telegraph set up to link Florida with the outside world. When the railroad bypassed the tiny town, Leno's decline was bound to occur. It took only until the turn of the century for the settlement to become just a memory; the Old Wire Road and mill dams are all that remain of this early lumber town. The suspension bridge which spans the river was built by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) in the late 1930s.

Are these mirrors big enough? We don't need no stinking mirrors -- let's roll!

The first ever Fort Armored Hot Dog.
Mission accomplished!

sooooo -- how do we get hot water?

only in Florida
The furry bambi.

Can anyone explain this?

The tree's knees.
Its new home, right by the orchids.


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