Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Trip #17: Pagosa Springs, CO

May 27 - 29, 2009

The Pagosa Fiber Festival was the destination; good thing Bill loved this campground: it was on the San Juan River which was roaring pretty good this time of year. And the host was 82-year-old Jay from Texas. Rainy and cool upon our arrival but that passed and it got nice for a hike the next day to Rainbow Hot Springs, which we never did find. But I did see some native orchids! Good hike, lots of columbines and a bit steep but managed over 10 miles. Next day was resting day; took a drive to town and looked at other campgrounds in the area for future reference. Hiked up to Treasure Falls there on 160 plus the overlook on the pass. Weather still iffy but we took it easy. Another shorter hike the next day revealed the trucks in the woods that went over the pass – you don’t expect to see an axel and tires on the trail, and when you look up, it’s waaaay up. This appeared to be a potato truck judging by all the sacks around, and there must have also been a beer truck too, or else there was one heck of a party there. And the gross thing we discovered here was ticks, yuck. Now paranoid, I keep finding them here and there. Cleaned up and finally went to the fiber show, which didn’t take too long. Dinner at Tequila’s and a rug auction that night (got two). A great night; Burnham did the auction and I really enjoyed it. Got a JB Moore style from the 20s, and a two grey hills from the 30s. 38 degees the next morning, time to go, but only an hour drive to get home.

For some reason Bill loves this campground. (I found it dark and damp with the river back in there.)
Ready to roll. Nice hike this was, lots of interesting things as you will see....

OK OK, we'll stay off your PROERTY!

Safety First: Always hold on to a tiny branch when peering over a 1,000 foot drop.

A wild orchid! The Calypso Bulbosa.

It's a little flower.

No wonder all the no trespassing signs. The trail goes partly through private property.

In this moist area this plant grew like crazy.

A very green hike. And we got hailed on.

The view up the valley, and I wasn't holding on to the tiny branch.

Can anyone tell me why they always poop on a rock?

The Western Red Columbine.

Ahh, back to camp for R & R after the long and rigorous hike.
Treasure Falls at Wolf Creek.

The same falls from the highway overlook.
Wild irises spring up in wet pastures.

A red wing blackbird on a lake when we toured the surrounding areas.
Hmmm, not what you'd expect to see on a hike in the woods.

Closer inspection (Wolf Creek CSI) tells us it was a potato truck.
And it came from up here.

The view from Wolf Creek looking south. And to think an hour west of this is our brown and dryer area. amazing.

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