Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Trip #19: Santa Fe, NM

June 22 - 26, 2009

Car needs service. Camped northeast of town at Black Canyon. Rainy and humid can you believe. Someone swiped my nice chair!

RIP Michael Jackson & Farrah Fawcett, June 25.

Stopping near Abiquiu on the way to Santa Fe.

The flat-topped mesa in the Jemez range, called the Pedernal; Georgia O'Keeffe's favorite mountain. "It's my private mountain, it belongs to me. God told me if I painted it enough, I could have it."
This time we are heading for the hills -- camping outside of town out in the sticks.

Nice campground, everything seemed newly redone.

Wonderful, except for the crime factor. Exhibit 1: the chair, as it was last seen.
Marias! Now I know I'm in Santa Fe.

I have no idea which trail we were on but I like the sign.

And now for the beauty of the trail: This I believe is a geranium.

This one puzzled me, but my book says it might be bush cranberry maybe?
Anyone know what this is about? fungus or ready for the holidays?

The wild Rocky Mountain Rose.

Anyone have any idea what this is growing on the forest floor???
Just killin' time shooting this, whatever it might be, lavender or who know which of a thousand purple plants. This was not on the hike! It was at Museum Hill.

Canyon Road. This is why I love Santa Fe.

You can't plan for a shot like this. I was aiming for the door when the pink blur whizzed thru. I like it!

Just lovely.

One of two reasons I like to go to Jackalope.

This is the other.

An old building in Los Ojos, NM, by Tierra Wools.

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