Thursday, February 1, 2024

Trip #133 (64): Arizona Border Tour: Tucson + Mesilla, Tombstone, Patagonia, Bisbee

Trip #133 (64): Arizona Border Tour: Tucson + Mesilla, Tombstone, Patagonia, Bisbee
Jan. 31 - Feb. 2024

Wednesday, Jan 31
Long day drive from Santa Fe to Las Cruces/Mesilla. Beautiful day, stopped for a quick tour of Fort Seldon north of town. Staying at Hacienda RV 2 nights. Went to the Mesilla Plaza for dinner at Double Eagle, coolest building, good dinner on Peppers Patio. Walked around the Billy the Kid former courthouse and jail on the same block. Dead tired, asleep before 10.

Thursday, Feb. 1
Busy day, great weather, cool in am but it warms up. But since it was cool we hit the shopping bucket list, OK, my bucket list, including the little Railroad Museum (where I educated the woman manning the desk about Fred Harvey: she never heard of him), COAS bookstore, Fresh Chile salsa store, the Chile Pepper Institute, and Walmart. I think that's it. The town seems big but this little jaunt didn't take long. Then for a 12.5 mile bike ride along the Bosque river thing/rio grande after bill fixed his bike AGAIN, but this time he had the part. Came back then back to Mesilla for more mostly window shopping in a very quiet plaza area, very nice tho. Then dinner at the Thai place (after checking out the Hacienda place which was kinda sucky so we left) for some red and green curry, served at nuclear temperatures.

Friday, Feb. 2
Heading for Tucson today. Raining all over, that California atmospheric river thing has headed our way. The park is putting out the note that if the road floods we are stuck; we will take the chance. 

Saturday, Feb. 3
Went over to the Steam Park for the (expensive as usual) farmer's market. Then went south for a drive, came back with Brueggers bagels, always a good thing. Cool and extra cold feeling because of 70% humidity, ew! Mid 50s but sunny. Rode bikes on the paved trail for 22 miles, going as far south as Ina Road. Hungry but resisted In n Out and opted for a steak dinner at home, with Fresh Chile salsa from Las Cruces first.

Sunday, Feb. 4
Rode bikes around the park up a steep trail then over toward the river. Nice gritty trail but lots of weekend folks. 3.25 miles. Today, yes, cheeseburger day at last. They seemed to have paper thin patties, wth In n Out? Drove up to see the Biosphere 2 experimental site north of Tucson. Didn't do the tour, sounds like it's going to be a presentation about global warming... need to do more research before we step into that. 

Monday, Feb. 5 the most exciting day of the year
Looks like no rain today so instead of heading to town on my scavenger hunt we are back on bikes. This time went the other way on the trail, behind Walmart and the trail kept heading north. And after riding around a new housing development, we stumbled on another trail called The Big Wash. Well, good thing we did -- it was fabulous! Riding around the cactus like further north, yet mostly flat with some arroyo crossings, it was great! Met another group riding an E bike called a Pivot, nice lookin' and just $10,000. His son in law builds them in Phoenix, lucky him. Anyway, we kept going not knowing what we would find, only to find the odometer said 10 miles so we decided we should head back for a total of 18.25 miles, not sure how that happened but that's what it said. Will definitely go back to that trail next time. And the ride back was a snap, coasting downhill at 24 mph and we were back to walmart in no time. As a reward we had birthday milkshakes at In n' Out, you know, wouldn't want to ruin dinner. Cleaned up and before the 6:30 dinner reservations at Wildflower, we went to the Tucson Mall 'cuz I wanted to get a signature fragrance. After 30 minutes (45?) of trying everything from Chanels to Versace to Dior, I decided on Chanel Chance. Dinner was very good, busy place for a Monday. Our second time there, tho loud it was very nice, sat outside. So for the rest of the night all I could smell was that sweet stuff on both wrists. By midnight I had decided I had to return it to Macy's. I cannot do this.  : (

Tuesday, Feb. 6
Overcast, but no rain. This is shopping day. First, to Macy's to return Ms. Chanel. Other exciting stops included a popcorn store, a bread store (see a pattern here?), skipped a museum, a stained glass store (got some good pattern books), and finally the star: Medicine Man Gallery. That was great! Paintings, jewelry, weavings, pottery, beadwork, Maynard Dixon (that was surprisingly not impressive, I prefer his landscapes to nudies). Spend a lot of time there, could have stayed longer. Headed back with a quick and fruitful stop at Kohl's for my most horrendous wardrobe... seriously, I am the worst dressed woman of the SW.

Wednesday, Feb. 7
Heading for Patagonia today. So of course, pouring rain. Made a stop in Tubac for the art show which was cut short for more rain, so we ducked into Tubac Jack's for lunch, after about an hour at Lone Mountain Turquoise. Another long time learning about turquoise identification. Got to camp late about 4:30 but since it's still raining on and off, that's fine. And it's cold -- 44 degrees. Not sure what to do here but will find out tomorrow.

Thursday, Feb. 8
Took a bird walk, saw no birds except at the park's bird feeder area. Drove to town, a few complete shit stores, then over to the Paton hummingbird center. Saw a few there.

Friday, Feb. 9
Tombstone! Sunny but cool. Place looking good, haven't been in about 4 years. Saw the gang, still hanging out on main street. Drove over to the Trump store! Had dinner at Big Nose Kate's. Got seated up in a small corner which turned out to be the tiny stage for the country band which tried to set up as we were finishing our meal. That was odd, but they were nice about it. Also saw the little quilt show in town, guess I didn't win the raffle, cheating bastards. Decided I want an Australian cattle dog like the neighbors nextdoor. Clouded up and pretty cold, supposed to snow in the am, hoping to get out before it starts at 10 am.

Saturday, Feb. 10
Well, it was snowing by 9 am. Had trouble hooking up on the slanted spot so wasted more time so it was snowing pretty good by the time we got on the road, like snowing like a MOFO. Huge flakes. About 33 degrees and no way would he not drive in this mess so off we went, it was only 25 miles thank goodness and we made it safely to Bisbee but did see a few cars had slid off the road. They were slick, hence my white knuckles. No problems for us tho, I am pretty sure I saw white knuckles hanging onto the steering wheel. Snowed most of the day, very cold 33 degrees and gray but did go to town and walked in the snowy slush --  got 3.5" (can't imagine how bad it was in the old dirt street days) -- after finding some game marble stones at the Queen Mine gift shop. Score!
Super Bowl Sunday, Feb. 11
Sunny and 33! Warmed up to about 38 so back to town, shopped around at more junk antique shops, had lunch at a taco bar and back for the game. Good game, went to overtime, Kansas did win, and Taylor did show up.

Monday, Feb. 12
Finally the weather's getting nicer but time to go. Bisbee kinda boring... shops suck... but the walk-up patisserie was very good. Long drive today to get to Caballo Lake NM, last stop on the way home. Stopped in Deming at Peppers grocery in Deming (not as cool as I was hoping), and also at the Village Market in Hatch (way cool) as still needed lettuce. And Apple Butter and Salsa from their wall of salsa, best I have ever seen. Surprisingly nice grocery in the green chile capital of NM. Warmest day, about 60 very beautiful, but alas, nothing to do here either so only staying one night. Lots of deer in the campground, can't remember the last time we saw deer like that. And quail, weird, never see them in NM much, mostly AZ. This trip I finished the 50 ish-th sunflower granny square to use of the ooooold yarn stash and make new sweater that probably will never leave the house, total clown...  Anyway, so nice out we took a short walk then did a drive to make sure there is nothing around here, except crumbling RV parks. Coldest night yet, 28 when I turned in at 11:30.

Tuesday, Feb. 13
Woke to the brightest morning this entire trip, I dare say, with those fabulous blue skies. And I see it did get as cold as 24 degrees. Wow. Long drive again today to 40s Santa Fe, always so great to go home to SF. And after the Paton center in Patagonia, I need to make my yard Audoban approved for MORE birds! More feeders! Slash piles! More hummer feeders! More work for me!

Next time: find Noble Bakery in Phoenix. More time in Tubac. Amerind museum

RIP: Carl Weathers, Toby Keith, Biden's memory...

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