Sunday, July 9, 2023

Trip #128 (59): The "New" Tour - New Mexico to New York

Trip #128 (59): The "New" Tour: New Mexico to New York

The long hot trip...

#128 - The "New" Tour: New Mexico to New York:
Paducah Quilt Museum, KY
Airstream Museum, Jackson Center, OH
Fiesta OUTLET #1, Newell, WVFiesta OUTLET #2, Hartville, OH

Roycroft Campus
Letchworth Museum, NY, small but loaded
Cornell Ornithology
Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, NY
May 4 Kent State Memorial, OH
Kokomo Opalescent Stained Glass, Kokomo, IN
Oneida Community weird place, NY
Quilt City USA, Hamilton, MO
Fort Larnard, Kansas

Tues, July 4 – Prairie RV Park, Elkhart KS
Me still sick... Nasty head cold from Mr Bill. Arrived 4ish after losing an hour. Nice drive listening to podcasts. Took I-25, turning east at Springer. Flat wide open land. Windy and 95° at arrival. Stayed in in the a/c, feel like shit anyway. Went for a very short walk a bit later along the frontage road. Plenty of fireworks till about 10, then all quiet.

Wed, July 5 – Fairgrounds, Winfield KS
Overcast this am, but not hot! More nice wide open driving until Big Basin Prairie (got real green and hilly), when the rain started, continued thru Medicine Lodge where we are almost to now. Nothing severe, thank God **no hail**. But rain all day it did. Then half the night: thunder and lightning starting at 3am ‘till 5 or more. Even had to run the a/c all locked in. Camped at Winfield Fairgrounds, hey these aren’t bad - just pull in anywhere on the grass and plug in. Drove around a bit, found the city island park, then had dinner at Shindig since Boss Hog BBQ was closed. I’m liking the fairgrounds CGs, $17, all but the sewer. This entire fairground area was covered with telephone poles with street lights and multiple electrical outlets for all of the big music festivals they have. Seemed odd, but you just drive up on the grass and park. Speaking of the dump... they had a 2-holer but it was an open sewer in the street size manhole cover pit with a grate down in it. Wth? Once he started dumping the fumes funneled into the truck, I had to run for my breathing life--SO gross

Thurs, July 6 – The Camp Ground @, Willow Springs MO
Rain stopped so we could get a move on. Still cloudy, got on the road about 10 am.. Another 300 mile day, overcast but no rain. Mid Southern Kansas to the SE CORNER, WITH A DETOUR which took us around to Galena, apparently a Route 66 highlight. Got on I-44 until just before Springfield, then getting on Hwy 60 until we reached Willow Springs. About 85 when we got here at 4pm. Just a private former KOA Campground but it will be the place tonight. Get set up in the heat and took a drive to town to locate a bakery, which wasn’t open. Kind of warm but fine, some cat in the morning decided to sit on the front steps, and we will carry that hair for days. Dinglefritz went the wrong way on the highway with his new east/west confusion so we wasted an entire whole mile out of our way before we hit a McDonald's for breakfast.

Fri, July 7 – Fort Massac State Park, Metropolis IL
Finished the drive through southern Missouri, passing above the New Madrid earthquake site (18011 & 12, 7 & 8 richter events), and then before we knew it, we were crossing the Mississippi into Kentucky on the narrowest bridges. Somehow we squeezed through, shaving past wide semi trucks, with just inches to spare; then we turned a corner only to cross the Ohio River in the same fashion - TIGHT. Do watch the video on that. So our final destination is Paducah today, but after those bridges we were winding through on roads of corn fields in Western Kentucky's blazing heat. There didn't seem to be enough time to drop the trailer across the river as planned and come back so we decided to stay on the Illinois side in Metropolis and do the National Quilt Museum tomorrow. That was a good idea. It's an interesting park, Fort Massac State Park in Illinois (Illinois' first state park), on the Ohio River, the site of a 1757 French Fort later reoccupied by George Rogers Clark, older brother of William Clark fame. So we were finally able to get the bikes down for the first time and rode all over the park until Bill discovered the bike route, which took us on an old rail-trail almost to the next town but we turned around, probably did 10 miles when all was said and done, and a lot of it in the shade so that was pretty nice, cuz it was warm/hot. We also went to the Fort visitor center, which was so stifling hot. While setting up in our beautiful campsite against the woods, with a street light, of course, I noticed a puddle forming quickly and we found it to be the fresh water holding tank leaking big time. Took a drive to get some marine putty in case he could patch it, which didn't work, but got to see the town of Metropolis, with the Superman statue! That was cool. I never did get to go back and do the town that's par for the course. So this leak will be changing our loosely held plans anyway. Thought we would eat across the street at the Mexican restaurant - high hopes when we saw the crowded parking lot - little did we know it was karaoke night and apparently this town lives for that. I think they were fighting over the microphone. Let's just say the restaurant left a lot to be desired, but it was close and it was Mexican. Sort of. Bill got roadkill of some kind.

Saturday, July 8 – Taylorville KY
It was a warm evening last night, but got up this morning and went to the National Quilt Museum about 10:45. It was HOT already. Bill was done looking in 3.5 minutes. I stayed a little bit longer. They were incredible. Walked around the town very little about a block and a half because it was only 98°. Reminds me of Charleston on a smaller scale. Had lunch at Broussards, a Cajun place it was not bad, but not great, but definitely enjoyed their AC. After acquiring heatstroke, we finally got on the road having decided to head for Jackson Center now that the water tank is leaking. We will try to get as far as Elizabethtown and then figure out what to do. It was a decent drive, although it started to rain halfway through and by the time we get to Leitchfield had to scramble to come up with a campground with water. Finally decided on Taylorville Lake State Park taking us another hour out-of-the-way after having just lost an hour for the time zone. Fortunately, or unfortunately this area mostly around Bardsville is full of whiskey distilleries or is it Bourbon distilleries so maybe there's a tour in the morning we'll see how it feels. It will be a Sunday morning but they are open. The drive to the lake took a lot longer than we thought and we didn't arrive until almost 7:30. Of course it started to rain for set-up, but we were lucky to get a spot without a reservation and a good one at that. Watched some TV, ate leftovers from our Cajun lunch for dinner, and saw lightning bugs out the window in the dark. That was cool.

Sunday July 9 – Jackson Center OH
Woke up to warm-ish temperatures, but not nearly as warm as it's been, but 87% humidity. The plan today is to drive straight through to Jackson Center to be there Monday morning in hopes they can do the fix. The begging starts at 7am. Another 5 hour drive today when all is said and done overcast all day but believe it or not in the low 70s here in Ohio, which we crossed over at Maysville Kentucky. Passed all kinds of historic Kentucky stuff, but stopped at none. It's just shooting out the window, including the Lexington mansions in horse country. Set up at the Mothership in a FULL terra port, hoping they are here for tours! It has warmed up to 80° as i type this.

Monday July 10 - Jackson Center, OH
They took us! New fresh water tank for $1,700. Did laundry, had the tiny place to myself. Perfect. Cleaned that too… Drove around later, got breakfast at Bon Evans in next town (JC has squat in dining). Later we toured the brand new Airstream Museum and were also able to tag onto the factory tour of the huge new facility.

Tues, July 11 – Newell WV
Fiesta day! Found a CG along the Ohio River down the road from Fiesta (but too far to walk), drove all over their grass getting positioned. Bill was all over the place for some reason. I guess he needs lines to follow! Blasted over as quick as i could and had a fab time sorting thru the piles of seconds. Maybe not all the color variety but plenty none the less. Bill was smart enough to leave me there and drive around town... nothing for him there. Loaded up and before long I knew I needed to return in the am for more. Later did laundry in two of the shittiest machines ever, but they worked.

Wednesday July 12 – South Wales NY
Ran back to Fiesta at 9 am for more then, on the road to S Wales. Gordy wanted us there early but made it by 3. Did a drive from the south thru some steep hills. Plenty warm and humid here too, can’t escape it. Met up with Connie, Sam and kids then got ready for dinner in EA w/Bec and Andrea, while Bill went to the Bar-Bill with Michael. Small walking towns are cool as you run into family on street corners later.

Thurs, July13 - South Wales NY
Went to breakfast and Bec met up with us. Then we ran all over the Roycroft campus on this overcast and warm day. Also got her lunch before she cut out to pick up units at airport, so we drove around a bit. Later, was the first party at Michaels house, he had a huge cookout. After, we went out to a bar across the street but I couldn’t stay awake & still coughing from being sick. At least the nights were cool enough to open windows.

Friday, July 14 - South Wales NY
Finally got on bikes and rode 17 miles. First went to Emery Park, then on Underhill Road, fortunately going downhill, and looked inside the Old Orchard Inn where eel used to work. Then took Olean all the way to EA and went to an estate sale on King Street of all things. Units went to urgent care for dad's swollen hand, probably arthritis. Met them for lunch at Misters, the slowest place in town, wasting half the day and bitching out the stupid server. Then went to find the stained glass place, which turned out to be her home. So in we went, chatting for 45 mins till I said, we gotta go - still had to ride back and shower for Gordy’s. Walked around in a stifling humid heat to a bookstore after touring the theater and candy store. Tonight it’s a party at Gord’ys with the fam. Played horseshoes and boy did we girls suck.

Sat, July 15 - South Wales NY
Went to bkfst with Mark and Cindy, and Dad and Bec, then went to the farmers market, which was very nice. Went back to Roycroft and took more pics of the glass. Tonight is big party at Wallenwein, Oh joy. Pizza and a cash bar. But the restaurant mistakenly left a keg a beer in the room which kept the boys from complaining. Our room was SO hot I was pretty uncomfortable, but fortunately it was over soon, then we went to the hotel where I handed out coasters and bags. Then to Andreas, still a hot sweaty bitch but we got in a game of Kibbie, Dave won. Every night I would have to take another shower before bed.
Sun, July 16 - South Wales NY
Went to Vidlers. Later drove to Andrea's for spaghetti and the final gathering, even walking down to see Lia play soccer. I brought my Limoncello which i hated and dumped out one bottle but they said it was good and drank it.

Mon, July 17 – Letchworth State Park NY
Went to breakfast, Bec flight cancelled, Vic's delayed. Back walking EA and found their historic files at city hall. Said our goodbyes, went to Tops, packed up and moved on with our hour drive. Set up and then walked around a bit.

Tue, July 18 - Letchworth State Park NY
Planed to ride bike trail on the other side of river, but first drove and toured the park and visited museum. Once we crossed over to other side, the rains started. Went to Walmart and back to camp. Afterwards, managed to ride bikes up the road to the pool and back.

Wed, July 19 - Robert H Treman State Park, Ithaca NY
Stopped on the way at Corning Museum of Glass. Excellent, but overwhelming amount of glass and art. Dry camping but weather was a bit cooler so not to bad.

Thur, July 20 - Robert H Treman State Park, Ithaca NY
Rode bikes on park trail. Hills are steep here! Drove around Ithaca, not much there but a big lake Cauyuga. Went to a wine tasting and then to Cornell Ornithology museum. Came back and Bill took a dip in the river pool.

Friday July 21- Kring Point State Park, Alexandria Bay NY
Drove north with intention of Vermont and New England but rain started and weather forecast was for more rain, flooding and heat. Decided that another week or so and 1000 miles of crummy weather was not worth the expense. Will have to save that trip for Spring or Fall. Did laundry and stayed in, nice sunset rained off and on all day and night.

Sat, July 22 – Kanakadea CP, Hornell NY
Did a slip fall on St Lawrence river before departure. Change wet shorts, left nm rock on #16. Long drive south with stop in Oneida after drive thru Rome and saw Ft Stanwix. Toured Oneida Mansion, weird cult society home. Drove Interstates and past Seneca Lake to get to Hornell for county park, lakeside with geese and lots of well behaved campers.

Sun, July 23 Mill Creek CG, Berlin OH
Drove from Hornell to Berlin Lake to a big army corp camp. Mill Creek another lake of the zillions in Ohio. Did reservation over phone, lucked out with Maple #2. Walked a bit before the rains came. Short overnight stop.

Mon, July 24 – Silver Springs CG, Stow OH
Packed up and to move a short way after driving rig to Hartville for Fiesta Adventure #3! Nice clean country farmy white house part of Ohio driving to Hartville, zig zagging our way on 2-lane country roads. Turned out to be in a HUGE mall/shopping complex/outdoor flea market with TONS of parking. No problemo. Bill did more of the mall than me and also found the biggest hardware store he ever did see. I on the other hand took all my time in Fiesta seeking out the best seconds; never did wander the halls for the other junky stuff. But we did get some meat at Duma Meats (Jesus saves) and veggies outside. Perfect. Short drive thru Kent (Kent State) to the Silver Springs CG in Stow. Nice large city park. Upon arrival, our reserved #16 had a very large tree branch broken off blocking the site so we were able to switch to #23. Elec only. A bit warm 85, but cool in the shade, tho we still ran the a/c for humidity. Trail here so rode all the way to Boston Heights for 11.3 miles total, nice shaded rail to trail. Dang more nice huge beautiful houses here, I must check the market...

Tues, July 25 - Silver Springs CG, Stow OH
Drove to the Lock 29 entry, rode 14.5 miles north along the Erie-Ohio Towpath in Cayuga Valley. Great shaded trail along the river. Then drove back to Kent for mediocre lunch and visit to the Kent State massacre memorial.
Wed, July 26  Beaver Point RV Resort, Kokomo IN
Woke to 85% condensation wet humidity, ready to head to Kokomo, In. We may not be able to get in on the Kokomo opalescent stained glass tour, but after watching a small video about the place, I still have to see it, looks amazing. Did not know, but they supplied glass to Tiffany back in the day. Made a call later in the day and got in for the Thurs 11 AM tour. Bill found a CG about 15 mins from koko, full hookups $35 facing a soybean farm way out in the country in a town called Windfall. Lots of wind turbines out here, so ugly. Very warm and even windier so just stayed in, could give a shit about their little hillbilly lake resort.

Thurs, July 27 - Clinton Lake CG, Dewitt IL
Arrived early (before 10) to Kokomo so as to do my shopping before the tour. This is a very old 1888 building that has produced stained glass sheets ever since. Talkin' RUSTIC. it was already a very humid 90 degrees when the tour took us in to the main furnace crucible room and WOW was it hot. Instant sweat, not sure how these guys do it every day w/the heat but they do. Got the whole tour, from rollers to storage and back where we started - at the scrap bins! Left with about 7 lbs @ 1.50/lb, not a lot of variety but always fun to hunt. So hot out. Moved along after wandering the corn maze of road closures and Bill losing his shit over that or having to follow ANYONE. Ended up in DeWitt at another lake state park (A15), to hot to care. About 97° and no breeze. Suffocating. Walked to lake but had to turn around.

Fri, July 28 - Long Branch CG Macon MO
Supposed to be the hottest day today, yippee, and already at 11am it is 92 in Springfield, IL. Finally out of the cornfields since we are on I-72 heading west, so still boring interstate sites. Bill went for a swim at lake to cool off.

Sat, July 29 - Turkey Point CG, Melvern Lake drove thru big storm on way west, stopped in Hamilton MO just in time for downpour. Sheila hit the quilt shops while Bill sat out the storm. Drove thru the Kansas cities and got Kansas BBQ from Joe's in Olathe. Pretty good! And that was dinner. Rain def helped cool the predicted hi-90s temps, and we camped at Turkey Point CG #44. Great park, all green and on a huge lake. Did get out for a short walk, but kept the a/c going all night. Too bad it is so insanely hot; Kansas has a lot of nice CGs we enjoy thru a trailer window.

Sun, July 30 - Arkalon CG, Liberal KS
328 mile day today. Trying to make it home Monday instead of Tues since it is too blazing to enjoy anything. Kansas corn not looking too good, hope it’s for fuel. Took Hwy 50 noting some Santa Fe Trail POIs, but not too many, just a list on a map. All farms now. Stopped at Fort Larned, protector of Santa Fe Trail. Great park, pristine condition. Walked back in about 103 or 4, that was rough. Blasted the air took off for next stop outside Liberal KS. Down in a low spot but with trees along the Cimarron River. Kansas has pesky flies btw, one rode with us poking us both in the legs for 120 miles. Anyway, it is still 100° at 6:30, so stayed in.

Mon, July 31 – Home Base, Santa Fe
Took a drive through Liberal looking for fuel. Poor city with many Mexican restaurants. Drove the panhandle of OK and saw some of the dust bowl remnants.

Conclusion – It’s a long drive to NY and would have been better if it wasn’t for the oppressive heat. But that’s when the family reunion was scheduled. Summer time is best in the high altitude mountains!

RIP: Journey's Tickner, Tony Bennett, Sinead O'Connor, Randy Meisner, PEE-WEE the last day, 7-31

(version 2: posting just in case, not sure of the changes)

#128 - The "New" Tour: New York & Museums
Paducah Quilt Museum, KY
Airstream Museum, Jackson Center, OH
Fiesta x2, Newell, WV
Roycroft Campus
Letchworth Museum, NY, small but loaded
Cornell Ornithology
Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, NY
Fiesta OUTLET #2, Hartville, OH
May 4 Kent State Memorial, OH
Oneida Community
Kokomo Opalescent Stained Glass, Kokomo, IN
Quilt City USA, Hamilton, MO
Fort Larnard, Kansas

Tues, July 4 - Elkhart KS  Me still sick... Nasty head cold from Mr Bill. Arrived 4ish after losing an hour. Nice drive listening to podcasts. Took I-25, turning east at Springer. Flat wide open land. Windy and 95° at arrival. Stayed in in the a/c, feel like shit anyway. Went for a very short walk a bit later along the frontage road. Plenty of fireworks till about 10, then all quiet.
Wed, July 5 - Overcast this am, but not hot! More nice wide open drive until Big Basin Prairie (got real green and hilly), when the rain started, continued thru Medicine Lodge where we are almost to now. Nothing severe, thank God **no hail** But rain all day it did. Then half the night: thunder and lightning starting at 3am till 5 or more. Even had to run the a/c all locked in.
Camped in Winfield KS at the fairgrounds, hey these arent bad - just pull in anywhere on the grass and plug in. Drove around a bit, found the city island park, the had dinner at Shindig since Boss Hog BBQ was closed.
Thurs, July 6 - Rain stopped so we could get a move on. Still cloudy, got on the road about 10 am. I am liking the fairgrounds CGs, $17, all but the sewer. This entire fairground area was covered with telephone poles with street lights and multiple electrical outlets for all of the big music festival. They have it seemed odd, but you just drive up on the grass and park. Speaking of the dump... they had a 2-holer but it was an open sewer in the street size manhole cover pit with a grate down in it. Wth? Once he started dimping the fumes funneled into the truck, I had to run for my breathing life--SO gross. Another 300 mile day, overcast but no rain. Mid Southern Kansas to the SE CORNER, WITH A DETOUR which took us around to Galena, apparently a Route 66 hilight. Got on I-44 until just before Springfield, then getting on hwy 60 until we reached Willow Springs, where we sit now. With the A/c on. About 85 when we got here at 4pm. Just a private former KOA Campground but it will be the place tonight. Get set up in the heat and took a drive to town to locate a bakery, which we will never visit. Kind of warm but fine, some cat in the morning decided to sit on the front steps, and we will carry that hair for days. Dinglefritz went the wrong way on the highway with his new east/west confusion so we wasted an entire whole mile out of our way before we hit a McDonald's for breakfast.
July 7 - Friday  Finished the drive through southern Missouri, passing above the New Madrid earthquake site (18011 & 12, 7 & 8 richter events), and then before we knew it, we were crossing the Mississippi into Kentucky on the narrowest bridges. Somehow we squeezed through, shaving past wide semi trucks, with just inches to spare; then we turned a corner only to cross the Ohio River in the same fashion - TIGHT. Do watch the video on that. So our final destination is Paducah today, but after those bridges we were  winding through on roads of corn fields in Western Kentucky's blazing heat. There didn't seem to be enough time to drop the trailer across the river as planned and come back so we decided to stay on the Illinois side in Metropolis and do the national quilt museum tomorrow. That was a good idea. It's an interesting park, Fort Massac State Park in Illinois (Illinois' first state park), on the Ohio River, the site of a 1757 french fort later reoccupied by George Rogers Clark, older brother of William Clark fame. So we were finally able to get the bikes down for the first time and rode all over the park until Bill discovered the bike route, which took us on an old rail-trail almost to the next town but we turned around, prob did 10 miles when all was said and done, and a lot of it in the shade so that was pretty nice, cuz it was warm/hot. We also went to the Fort visitor center, which was so stifling hot. While setting up in our beautiful campsite against the woods, with a street light, of course, I noticed a puddle forming quickly and we found it to be  the fresh water holding tank leaking big time. Took a drive to get some marine puddy in case he could patch it, which didn't work, but got to see the town of Metropolis, with the Superman statue! That was cool. I never did get to go back and do the town that's par for the course. So this leak will be changing our plans our loosely held plans anyway. Thought we would eat across the street at the Mexican restaurant - high hopes when we saw the crowded parking lot - little did we know it was karaoke night and apparently this town lives for that. I think they were fighting over the microphone. Let's just say the restaurant left a lot to be desired, but it was close and it was Mexican. Sort of. Bill got roadkill of some kind.
Saturday, July 8 - It was a warm evening last night, but got up this morning and went to the National Quilt Museum about 10:45. It was HOT already. Bill was done looking in 3.5 minutes. I stayed a little bit longer. They were incredible. Walked around the town very little about a block and a half because it was only 98°. Reminds me of Charleston on a smaller scale. Had lunch at Broussards, a Cajun place it was not bad, but not great but definitely enjoyed their AC. After acquiring heatstroke, we finally got on the road having decided to head for Jackson Center now that the water tank is leaking. We will try to get as far as Elizabethtown and then figure out what to do. It was a decent drive, although it started to rain halfway through and by the time we get to Leitchfield had to scramble to come up with a campground with water. Finally decided on Taylorville Lake State Park taking us another hour out-of-the-way after having just lost an hour for the time zone, so we are approaching now as I speak. Fortunately, or unfortunately this area mostly around Bardsville is full of whiskey distilleries or is it Bourbon bourbon distilleries so maybe there's a tour in the morning we'll see how it feels. It will be a Sunday morning but they are open. The drive to the lake took a lot longer than we thought and we didn't arrive until almost 7:30. Of course it started to rain for set-up, but we were lucky to get a spot without a reservation and a good one at that. Watched some TV, ate leftovers from our Cajun lunch for dinner, and saw a lightning bugs out the window in the dark. That was cool.
Sunday 9th - Woke up to warm-ish temperatures, but not nearly as warm as it's been, but 87% humidity. The plan today is to drive straight through to Jackson Center to be there Monday morning in hopes they can do the fox. The whining starts at 7am. Another 5 hour drive today when all is said and done overcast all day but believe it or not in the low 70s here in Ohio, which we crossed over at Maysville Kentucky. Passed all kinds of historic Kentucky stuff, but stopped at none. It's just shooting out the window, including the Lexington mansions in horse country. Set up in a FULL terra port, hoping they are here for tours! It has warmed up to 80° as i type this.

Monday 10- they took us! New fresh water tank. Did laundry, had the tiny place to myself. Perfect. Drove around later, got bkfst at Bon Evans in next town (JC has squat in dining). Later we toured the brand new Airstream Museum and were also able to tag onto the factory tour of the huge new facility.
Tues, 11 - WV Fiesta day! Found a CG along the Ohio River down the road from Fiesta (but too far to walk), drove all over their grass getting positioned. Bill was all over the place for some reason. I guess he needs lines to follow! Blasted over as quick as i could and had a fab time sorting thru the piles of seconds. Maybe not all the color variety but plenty nontheless. Bill was smart enough to leave me there and drive around town... nothing for him there. Loaded up and before long i knew i needed to return in the am for more. Later did laundry in two of the shittiest machines ever, but they worked.
Wed, 12 - ran back over at 9 am for more then on the road to S Wales. Gordy wanted us there early but made it by 3. Did a drive from the south thru some steep hills. Plenty warm and humid here too, cant escape it. Met up with connie, sam and kids then got ready for dinner in EA w/Bec and Andrea, while Bill went to the Barbill with Michael. Small walking towns are cool as you run into family on street corners later.
Thurs, 13 - went to breakfast and Bec met up with us. Then we ran all over the Roycroft campus on this overcast and warm day. Also got her lunch before she cut out to pick up units at airport, so we drove around a bit. Later was the first party at Michaels house, he had a huge cookout. Later we went out to a bar across the street but i couldnt stay awake & still coughing from being sick. At least the nights were cool enough to open windows.
Friday, 14 - units went to urgent care for dad's swollen hand, prob arthritis. Met them for lunch at the slowest place in town, wasting half the day and bitching out the stupid server. Walked around in a stifling humid heat to a book store after touring the theater and candy store. Tonight its a party at Gordys with the fam. Played horseshoes and boy did we girls suck.
(Fri and sat messed up, fix later )- finally got on bikes and rode 17 miles. First went to Emery Park, then on Underhill Road, fortunately going downhill, and looked inside the Old Orchard Inn where eel used to work. Then took Olean all the way to EA and went to an estate sale on King Street of all things. Met vic, dad and bec for lunch, then went to find the stained glass place, which turned out to be her home. So in we went, chatting for 45 mins till I said, we gotta go - still had to ride back and shower for Gordys.
Sat, 15 - went to bkfst with mark and cin, and dad and bec, then went to the farmers market, which was very nice. Went back to Roycroft and took more pics of the glass. Tonight is big party at Wallenwein, oh joy. Our room was SO hot i was pretty uncomfortable, but fortunately it was over soon, then we went to the hotel where i handed out coasters and bags. Then to andreas, still a hot sweaty bitch but we got in a game of Kibbie, Dave won. Every night i would have to take another shower before bed.
Sun, 16 - no memory of morning, forget what we did. Later drove to Andrea's for spaghetti and the final gathering, even walking down to see Lia play soccer. I brought my limoncello which i hated and dumped out one bottle but they said it was good and drank it.
Mon, 17 - Bec flight cancelled, vic's delayed. Back walking EA and found their historic files at city hall. Said our goodbyes, went to Tops, packed up and moved on with our hour drive.
July 17&18  - Letchworth  rained  bike ride day 2
july 19&20 - ithaca, robert h treman state park. Corning Museum of Glass, excellent. Day 2 drove around ithaca, not much there but a big lake cauyuga?
Friday 21 drove northt with intention of vermont but fainy  one night alex bay.. did laundry. Stayed in nice sunset rained off and on all day.
Sat 22 - Did a slip fall on a st lawrence river waters-edge rock before departure. Change wet shorts left painted nm rock on #16
Long drive south; stop in Oneida after drive thru Rome and saw Ft Stanwix. Toured Oneida mansion -- another weird cult of mid 1800s--drove interstates to Finger Lakes to get to Harnell for county park,
on the move agaIn, time to head back. Drove across so. Ny from Alexander to Onieda, then on to a nice camp on Hornell. Lakeside with geese and lots of well behaved campers.
Sun - 23 Drove from Hornell to Berlin Lake to a big army corp camp. Mill Creek another lake of the zillions in Ohio. Did reservation over phone, lucked out with Maple #2
Mon 24 - packed up again to move a short way after driving rig to Hartville for Fiesta Adventure #3! Nice clean country farmy white house part of Ohio driving to Hartville, zig zagging our way on 2-lane country roads. Turned out to be in a HUGE mall/shopping complex/outdoor flea market with TONS of parking. No problemo. Bill did more of the mall than me and also found the biggest hardware store he ever did see. I on the other hand took all my time in Fiesta seeking out the best seconds; never did wander the halls for the other junky stuff. But we did get some meat at Duma Meats (Jesus saves) and veggies outside. Perfect. Short drive thru Kent (Kent State) to the Silver Springs CG in Stow. Nice large city park. Upon arrival, our reserved #16 had a very large tree branch broken off blocking the site so we were able to switch to #23. Elec only. A bit warm 85 bit cool in the shade, tho we still ran the a/c for humidity. Trail here so rode all the way to Boston Heights for 11.3 miles total, nice shaded rail to trail. Dang more nice huge beautiful houses here, i must check the market...
Tues 25 - Drove to the Lock 29 entry, rode 14.5 miles north along the Erie-Ohio Towpath, they call it.
Wed - Woke to 85% condensation wet humidity, ready to n
Head to Kokomo, In. We may not be able to get in on the Kokomo opalescent stained glass tour, but after watching a small video about the place, I still have to see it, looks amazing. Did not know, but they supplied glass to Tiffany back in the day. Made a call later in the day and got in for the Thurs 11 AM tour. Bill found a CG about 30 mins from koko, Beaver Lake or something, full hookups $35 facing a soybean farm way out in the country in a town called Windfall. Lots of wind turbines out here, so ugly. Very warm aind even windier so just stayed in, could give a shit about their lttle lake.
Thurs 27 - Arrived early (before 10) to Kokomo so as to do my shopping before the tour. This is a very old 1888 building that has produced stained glass sheets ever since. Talkin' RUSTIC. it was already a very humid 90 degrees when the tour took us in to the main furnace crucible room and WOW was it hot. Instant sweat, not sure how these guys do it every day w/the heat but they do. Had to br 110°. Got the whole tour, from rollers to storage and back where we started - at the scrap bins! Left with about 7 lbs @ 1.50/lb, not a lot of variety but always fun to hunt. So hot out. Moved along after wandering the corn maze of road closures and Bill losing his shit over that or having to follow ANYONE. Ended up in DeWitt at another lake state park (A15), to hot to care. About 97° and no breeze. Suffocating. Walked to lake but had to turn around.
Fri 28 - Plan is to drive from Clinton lake DeWitt Il to Macon, Mo.
Supposed to be the hottest day today, yippee, and already at 11am it is 92 in Springfield, Il. Finally out of the cornfields since we are on I-72 heading west, so still boring interstate sites.
Sat, 29 - drove thru big storm on way west, stopped in Hamilton MO just in time for downpour. Missouri Star Quilt Company - an entire quilting main street. Drove thru the Kansas cities and got Kansas BBQ from Joe's in Olathe. Pretty good! And that was dinner. Rain def helped cool the predicted hi-90s temps, and we camped at Turkey Point CG #44 at Melvern Lake. Great park, all green and on a huge lake. Did get out for a camp walk, but kept the a/c going all night. Too bad it is so insanely hot; Kansas has a lot of nice CGs - we enjoyed thru a trailer window.
Sun, 30 - 328 mile day today. Trying to make it home Monday instead of Tues since it is too blazing to enjoy anything. Kansas corn not looking too good, hope its for fuel. Took Hwy 50 noting some Santa Fe Trail POIs, but not too many, just a list on a map. All farms now. Stopped at Fort Larned, protector of SF Trail. Great park, pristine condition. Walked back in about 103° or 4, that was rough. Blasted the air took off for next stop: Arkalon CG outside Liberal KS. Down in a low spot but with trees along the Cimmaron River. Kansas has pesky flies btw, one rode with us poking us both in the legs for 120 miles. Anyway, MAAAYYYBE we can walk over to see the river, but it is still 100° at 6:30, so no promises.

RIP: Journey's Tickner, Tony Bennett, Sinead O'Connor, Randy Meisner, PEEWEE the last day, 7-31

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