Sunday, January 8, 2017

Trip #85 (16): Bill Solo Trip to Phoenix

November 2 - 5, 2016

Usery Mountain Park, Mesa AZ

Time to get out of winter for a couple of days and have some time to do trailer maintenance after our two-month trip. Sheila was into crafting and didn’t want to go, so Bill went solo. Drove down Friday picked up trailer and headed to Usery Park. Worked on the trailer on Saturday and then took a drive to Saguaro Lake and checked out campgrounds along the Bush Highway. The whole area along the Salt River has been fenced off and the campgrounds have been turned into parking lots for picnickers and tubers. However the river is so low now, I guess they turn the water back on in the summer. It’s all government controlled now.

Sunday went for a bike ride on trails and then took a drive to to check out the ASU campus and Tempe art show. Lots of nice stuff but do not need any more trinkets so just walked around enjoying the nice weather and sampling some food. On Monday, put the trailer back in storage and headed home. Got a call that my brother Mike was in hospital with COPD. He passed the next day. So sad. 

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