#141 (72): Winter AZ: 4 CGs: Cave Creek x3, Usery x2, Superstitions x4, Catalina x 3
February 22 - March 9, 2025
First night Homolovi and WINSLOW.
weather cold, then hot then hotter then warm, then cold
#141 (72): Winter AZ: 4 CGs: Cave Creek x3, Usery x2, Superstitions x4, Catalina x 3
February 22 - March 9, 2025
First night Homolovi and WINSLOW.
weather cold, then hot then hotter then warm, then cold
#140 (71): To Florida once again in November 2024
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Trip #139 (70): Northern NM - 3 stops
Abiquiu Lake, Hopewell Lake & Wild Rivers Recreation Area
September 29 – Oct. 4, 2024
Monday, Sept. 30 - Went down the road to hike Plaza Blanca at Dar Al Islam mosque; too hot 86° like walking at Bisti. Went to Bodie, got pie, rode around again to actual boat launch, still warm. Drove south to lost town of Coyote to see what’s shakin', not much but saw the other side of Pedernal, which looks completely different on the other side. If we kept going we would hit Cuba. Cool at night, not cold.
Great aspen gold and orange leaves.
Tuesday, Oct 1 - Moved on to Hopewell Lake, got a boondock spot closer to entry (the cg is closed), made it work by digging holes to level one side. Rode a VERY ROCKY ROAD for 2 miles and gave up, no fun. Rode to cg and lake, took side road to gold mine??! You can pan? Wtf? Til aug 31. Saw Arrowhead mining claim by Jerrod Bella and a wood ruin of someone's mining operation, gotta ck that out. This is at about 9800 feet, so will be colder tonight. Earlier Iran sent ballistic missiles to Israel, tonight is the vp debate and Hurr Helene just gave NC the worst floods EVER. 120+ dead so far. And then famous peeps are dropping, see RIP list. Diddy arrested just before we left, why all the sudden? WEIRD TIMES. Gotta get the Dish out to keep up! Oddly we had a signal pretty much this entire trip, not strong but enough.
Wednesday, Oct. 2: Rode bikes back to mining trail to try my luck in the creek, tho it is after Aug. 31. And wouldn't you know it, a ranger and another gal were just starting down the trail, figures. Anyway gave it a try down at the bottom, I am SURE i saw specs, but had fun “panning” with my small walmart bowl plate. All i had. Hung out eeking out a 1 - 2 bar signal. Really nice weather but warm in sun. Nights cooled to high 30s.
Thursday, Oct 3. Leaving for Wild Rivers recreation area toward Taos, BLM land, with a dump & grocery stop in Taos, busy as always so went to Cid's, parked in "no parking" area behind store, watching the weird folks go in and out while he shopped. Short drive thru Questa and Cerro to get here, very far north, almost to CO. Even cooler weather, beautiful day. Got one of the last spots, crammed in to #14 at little Arsenic trailhead, a vertical trail down behind us, i must add. Hung out, played the game, read X before bed so couldn’t sleep after all those horrific things i read. Cool but as much as before.
Friday, Oct. 4. Up early, slept good, cool am. Started on the little arsenic but so slippery on rocks we turned back, forgot our sticks like dumbasses. Maybe later. Biked the 6 mile Rinconada Trail, very well maintained, and stopped at visitor center. Great selection of books and maps btw. Still blue skies and cooler weather, but that direct sun is warm! No need for a/c, boondocking here, only water is here. Oh, my fave black sneeks waffle stompers finally bit the dust with a big tear. I said i would wear them to the bitter end, and i did. For YEARS. RIP, my most comfy shoes…
RIP : Kris Kristofferson, Pete Rose, American pickers Frankie, John Amos, all the Hurricane Helene flood victims (way too many), black waffle stompers.
Trip #138 (69): Bandaid Biking at McGaffey + Bluewater Lake Bug Fest
September 11 – 15, 2024
Wed, Sept. 11 – Still a/c warm in Santa Fe (low 80s) as we head to slightly cooler Gallup area for our third visit to McGaffey for some biking. Stopped for a Laguna burger in Laguna, is was pretty good, but not the bestest ever. Near empty campground as usual, that’s good, but some will come along eventually. Arrived after 3. No power or anything, about a 1 or 2 signal bar with the booster good for getting headlines. Took a drive to the lake which was full. He won the Kibbie rounds.
Thursday, Sept. 12 – Starting slow with a ride on the known Strawberry Trail, which is down the road off the other campground. And we did ride the road to get there, great ride, not a lot of traffic but very windy today. Almost blew us both off the road! Rode up to the fire lookout and back, crossing the meadow and took Torreon rocky trail back. Bill caught a tire in the gully and took a dive with a blow to the chest on the handlebars. Took the logging road back to the highway for return. She won the Kibbie rounds.
Friday, Sept. 13 – Still warm but very nice in the shade. Did two rides today, trying Burma Trail to the north for the first time. UGH! Nothing but an uphill rock ride 98% of the time, gradual uphill but the rocks were very annoying. Clipping the pedal over and over. The map showed you can pick up a gravel road after the fenceline, so we did, what a relief. That took us back to Hilso, then connecting Quaking Aspen back to camp. Took an hour’s rest then went back out for a milder ride on Y2K out toward the tanks and a beautiful meadow with cows. Heading back the same way, I managed to perfectly ram by pedal stem into a stickup rock which stopped the bike sending me down after jamming my knee into the booster, breaking that off. All was fine otherwise, except that now my pedal is wonky. And it was such a beautiful day otherwise. I will say that I am the park kibbie champion cuz we can’t remember. I am losing my memory this trip, uh-oh.
Saturday, Sept. 14 – Time I learned how to hookup the trailer by myself judging by the way we ride bikes, so we did a training course for departure. I went through the motions all by myself with some coaching, for a PERFECT procedure! Makes me feel better about things just in case. Moved on over to Bluewater Lake SP site 15 about 11:30, with a stop at Prewett Family Dollar for Advil. The place is where the reservation shopping action is. Arrived here with high hopes for this place which we haven’t visited since first moving to Durango, and sadly things went downhill quickly. After dumping and filling up with water, we had problems finding our reserved site, lousy signage. Then when we did find it, it was closed off with yellow tape. Where to go? No host, no ranger no nothing here. Talked to some campers who told me where the last #15 campers went so that’s where we headed, and confirmed it with a park guy who happened along. Great, we get the host spot – with water and dump. Sunny day, even warmer, many campers but not much area to ride other than the CG so we hung out and charged the batteries. The BEST part is that we have a good signal and electric so we are running the a/c. Could probably live without it, but hey, it’s nice to have. Took a short walk, then a short ride then a ride outside the gates – what a lovely neighborhood. Scary. Demographics say 95% native American, but the yards say otherwise. This park must be the big draw for the area, lots of camping & fishing down by the lake, party town but not loud or anything.
Sunday, Sept. 15 – Rainy day and much cooler. Weather report says more of the same so we decide to depart a day early. Don’t feel like hiking or fishing in the rain. Got home around 4pm.
Trip #136 (67): Return to Jemez Mountains
July 7 - 11 , 2024
Sunday, July 7 - Left about 10:30, beautiful day in Santa Fe, stopping for groceries at the gorgeous Smiths of Los Alamos. Then a stop for bagels from Ruby K's, cuz Santa Fe Foodies people swear by them (good but salty). Arrived at San Antonio CG #5 about 2pm, and it was quite warm, maybe 87 or so. But we have electric so ran the air after set up. Hung around then went on recon drive up the road for Hot Springs ride tomorrow; after trying about a mile of the road, we found it is easily doable for bikes -- good, plan for tomorrow. Cooled off nicely at night, prob low 50s. Tho surrounded by big beautiful pines we can get a Dish signal, but not phones. Read some Appetite for America then hit the hay early. Hurricane Beryl should be slamming Texas coast when we awake.
Monday, July 8. Yes she did, but as a Cat 1, I think. Can't follow storm chasers without a signal 😡. Cool morning (awake @ 6:30) but threatening skies so spent am going over maps for proposed Nov trip to Fla. Time for bike ride to the san antonio hot springs, it was great. 5 miles up the mountain on a nicer road than expected (and i got a 2 bar signal at the view of LaCueva), then a half mile hike straight up. Nice springs, no nudes thankfully, just a few peeps and the nicest doggy named Ranger. Woulda stolen him if he had followed us down, like he did the other guy... Also rode some of the dispersed camping road across the street, where there was also a signal up one road. Back to camp about 2:30 as the skies were rumbling and darkening, then came the storm and rain, for over an hour. For the first time ever, Bill won Kibbie for 4 games in a row. What??? No grilling tonight. In fact, no dinner tonight, late lunch kilt it. Stopped raining about 5:30, took CG stroll then later drove 3 mikes to big overlook for 3 BAR SIGNAL! Missed nothing but good to check. Btw, the BEST smelling pines i EVER smelled were along this route. I smelled some earlier, but after the rain i couldn't believe how good & strong the air smelled of pine.
Tuesday, 9th - Nice morning, cool, headed to Redondo Meadow staging area on edge of caldera NP for bike ride, having no idea where we are going. Turned out real nice, we went thru the fence to enter the Preserve, road was good, when once we got close to the meadow the deer flies came out in force. Mostly they went for Bill, who knew, maybe his dark shirt, guess they didnt like my white shirt. Anyway, gave that up after a while as they were hitching rides. Next we tried another trail to ride 4B with dispersed camping and nice but rough road, turned around after a few miles, but did get a 2 bar signal at a high point. Finally we went to the Valles Caldera. What a beautiful place, had no idea since was our first drive in, previously we only drove past, usually snow on the ground (not to mention 3 bar parking lot signal). After learning all about the series of volcanoes that 1.25 million years ago that made the huge caldera (and was 300 times bigger than the Mt St. Helens blast), the ranger offered us a pass to make the drive around and see the Longmire cabin and more. Beautiful green place. Didnt do the whole preserve, but will be back with bikes. Ebikes are allowed on many roads, but not all. Came back and did a chicken dutch oven dinner, not bad, from the scout cookbook.
Wednesday, 10th. After watching the Baldwin trial opening statements, we headed out for a hike to McCauley Springs, having only a vague idea where they are, off the East Fork Trail which we picked up off Hwy 4 at battleship rock. Long, hot, often uphill hike while the thunderheads built, we nearly gave up but pushed on, and good thing, as they weren't far off. Nice 3 ponds, the first kinda algae filled, but number 2 was clean. Even with little fish eating dead skin cells 🤮. When leaving, a certain spot caught my eye and seemed to be a pueblo ruin. That's my story and i'm sticking to it. Need to go back and examine closer, but not in July! Maybe so, maybe not, but sure had telltale signs. Anyway, couldn't get down fast enough, 🥵 SO HOT. Car said 84, but i say hotter. Entway, glad to be done, but now i gotta go back dammit. Came back, recovered, then went for a ride to check out potential boondocking spots down the road. I think i prefer a developed cg. The skies are rumbling after a slight rain as i type, wonder if we are in for more. No dang signal to check radar.
Thursday, July 11. Up super early (5:30!), hit the road at 9:10.
Left plenty undone to come back and do more, always a good thing. Should be getting home to a fixed mitsubishi a/c system, sure hoping!
RIP: Shelley Duval, Joe Biden's 2024 political aspirations
Next time: Reserve #6, not next to outhouse. Back to Sheila Pueblo Ruins, bike to Cuba, hike past san antonio hot springs, hike valley near valles, bike valles, redo history grove at valles
Trip #135 (66): Our Own Jemez Mountains + Bandelier + Jemez Springs
April 14 - 19 2024 before new car arrival
Left Sunday Apr 14, beautiful day, first 2 nights at Bandelier, site #9 on first come, first served. Mostly small spots so we lucked out finding one that we could fit into. Arrived before noon so did the 1.5 miles on waterfall hike, very nice. 3 miles RT. Low 70s today. BTW the park is very busy with tourists from all over the US.
Monday, Tax day Apr 15 - Cooler today, 58. On the Frey Trail at 11 am, hiking past Alcove House and kept going about 2 excellent miles. 6 miles total RT. Great hike along canyon and Frijoles creek. Getting windier and cloudier as the day goes, and now overcast at 4:30. and then the wind really kicked in, continuing well past 1 am. Can hear things banging! Couldn't get to sleep, was really cold for some reason. Because NO ELECTRICITY!
Tuesday & Wed - arrived about noon after about an hour + drive from Bandelier. Cooler but way sunny, about 58 for the high. Arrived to Fenton Lake State Park -- it is HUGE! Only the 5 electric sites are open and ours shares a site with someone already here. Talk about tight. No water here, not on yet. Took a walk to the end of the camping and into the Santa Fe Forest until the whining started so we headed back. Maybe went 3 miles. Probably more than a mile just to get out of the camping area. Went for a 10 mile drive to town (more like a corner) of Cueva for the little store. Said he needed mayo, but beer and BBQ chips are what we came home with. On the way back, headed south toward Jemez Springs, didn't go all the way but stopped at Battleship Rock along the river while looking for other springs. Quite the area, such wilderness, gorgeous, but some stupid assholes had to spray paint their tags on the signs. Takes away from my wilderness experience. Turned around at the Hummingbird Music Camp. Summer camp for kids. Had a winner winner chicken dinner, using up the vegs, real food for once.
Wed - didn't get moving until about 11 am and headed back down the same trail but went further, doing about 5 miles this time. Wide open nothingness. Later walked over to the lake and walked over the dam - I found 2 quarters! Woo Hoo, treasure. Another beautiful day, warmer than yesterday, about 65 today. Almost 3 o'clock, what will we do next...
Thurs. Out of water. Find water or go home. We only started with 75% (i should have checked as he filled) and used every last drop. Drove thru Jemez Springs Highway 4, got water at Jemez visitor center gas station, then back to vista linda cg, securing THE last spot. Back south again to drive the Gilman Tunnels, 2 rugged cut out tunnels along a steep roaring river, then to the visitor center, a thrift shop, the Jemez Mission ruins monument and finally to Los Ojos saloon for dinner. Then a short drive on the walkway. Hahahaaaaa had to be there. Back by 5pm, slightly overcast now, but was sunny and 81 earlier.
RIP: Dickie Betts (Allman Bros)
Still Waiting... for new VW arrival. Told us the 18th. Would end up being the 25th.