Day 1
Memorial Day Monday May 30 - Drove 4 hours to just short of Gallup south to McGaffey Campground on a more perfect day I haven’t seen. 72 degrees, blue skies. New territory, south of Fort Wingate. Winding road to an old logging area, not old, they are still logging, but I guess there was a sawmill here at one time. As always I was in a coma the first day, so we drove around a bit after arriving about 2pm (did a walmart stop in Grants). Found a small but large enough lake for half of the Indian Nation to be out fishing this fine memorial day. No dish, too many trees, actual ponderosas, a nice change. We are at about 7 - 8000 feet. No wildlife but lots of birds. Only a few campers here. Quaking Aspen CG down below had more people but this one was more open so we stayed here.
Day 2
Just as perfect a day as yesterday. Got out for a bike ride to Strawberry Canyon, GREAT trail, wide and not life threatening. Maybe went about 4 miles and found a fire lookout up there we climbed for a peek. Beautiful area.
Day 3
Got a shopping trip in for Gallup while he did errands. Lots of fun, needed more time. Spent a bit of time talking to Thelma at Malone Trading, she is his daughter and she makes native rug designs in quilting. They were awesome. Drove south from Gallup to Zuni land to El Moro, with a stop at another trading post, forget the name but also very nice. Got the second to last spot and jammed it in. Park not open today so will tour the etchings tomorrow. Instead we drove around the area as we always do. Did we pick up a nail then?
Day 4
Drove back out and over to Quemado Lake, this was a Thursday, and our neighbor let me know we just received the world’s worst hail storm that day at home. Whew, dodged that bullet, but not the plants. They took a shredding. Took a spot up nigh at the lake, no one else there except for the group area. After setting up Bill noticed we had a rear flat tire! And then he changed it. Whew again.
Day 5
Got the bikes out for a road ride which was real nice. Went about 4 miles out and then back. Took a hike toward the overlook but didn’t go all the way. Later went fishing, got nuttin.
Day 6
Pie Town! Had lunch and pie, and went to the new antique store they opened. Out of the blue, a Tiffany Daffodil lamp marked down to $85. Sold! Camped at Datil Well, nice place. Fell for the hype and went to Eagle Lodge for the famous ribeye. Well, not exactly all that but we had a good laugh, when the toast came…
Day 7
Monzano Mountains, with a stop in Mountain Air after touring the last of the missions, can’t remember the name. Also saw the weird hotel in Mountainair. Checked off several boxes this trip.
Day 8
Headed home thru Alb. Saw a side of the mountains down there that we had never seen before, might be worth another trip.
FYI – Larry on wait list for lungs. Scrabble coasters. Plants growing like MAD.