Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Trip #123 (54): Let's Go See Tucson Again - Catalina

Trip #123 (54): Let's Go See Tucson Again - Catalina 

Nov. 13 - 20, 2022 

Sunday, Nov. 13 

Departure on Vic's birthday. First night at City of Rocks in so NM.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Trip #122 (53): Southeast Utah Canyon Tour

Trip #122 (53): Southeast Utah Canyon Tour: Arches & Slots

October 5 –  16, 2022




Trip #122 (53): Southeast Utah Canyon Tour

October 5 –  16, 2022

NOTE: Things to remember when traveling to Canyon Lands:

[1] Always top off your gas tank no matter the price.

[2] Remember Utah schools provide a FALL BREAK. Check dates before planning.

[3] Bring lots of food and fresh vegetables. Grocery stores are limited. (suck)

[4] Careful where you camp if there will be rain. (nothing happened, just sayin’.)

Wed., Oct. 5, 2022

Left later than normal, a cooler and very rainy Santa Fe (it would rain for 3 days I think, what will the watermelons look like, hmm), for the drive to Mancos State Park (#9 pull thru, no hookups). Took the back way, finally driving out of the rain near Espanola. Stopped at the Walmart in Durango for a new wiper blade (got the wrong one of course), then on to the surprisingly nice park 5 miles north of Mancos. It’s on a small reservoir and the temps were cool, not expecting that. But beautiful area, can’t beat them mountains.


Fall color on west side of the La Platas from Mancos

Bill walking near the small reservoir

Mancos State Park. One other camper today


Thursday, Oct. 6

Heading for a 2-night stay in Arches National Park (end of the loop, #46, great spot with its own slot canyon and big backyard. Happy hour was cooler out there. But no signal tho you could walk to the top of the hill for a bar or two). Weather was beautiful, sunny skies, but I wouldn’t have minded it to be a bit cooler. Park and Moab were busy but not overly so… we didn’t hit the park’s timed entrance so drove right in. First day we hung out and maybe Bill won best of 3 of Kibbie, I don’t remember... It was an almost-full moon. Ed. Note: Neither of us can remember what else we did this first day so here’s to two bad brains.)

Friday, Oct. 7

Today we hiked Devil’s Garden to Landscape Arch, and a little beyond. Temps are very nice, but again, I’d always take a little cooler, but that’s hot me. After sitting around, Bill of course can’t sit around too long, so we did the drive across Salt Valley to Klondike Bluffs to do a little rock scrambling to the top to see over the ridge and the view. Talked to a nice young couple about moving and stressed the importance of renting before buying (they were considering moving to Moab, I hope they think this through). This happy hour Sheila did the ass-kicking in the game, and Bill, every fascinated with the full moon, forced me out for an evening march thru the sands of Arches. Did some iPhone 13 pro night shots, dang this phone camera is amazing. You wouldn’t know it was night, except for the stars.

Saturday, Oct. 8

Today we drove to our two night stay in Green River (#4, right behind where we were last time when we had the coveted host site with full-hookups incl sewer). Doing some local sightseeing we drove to Crystal Geyser, a man made cold-water “soda” geyser created when they were drilling out in the area for something. The site is along the Green Rive, pretty spot, but dang it was hot so we wandered a bit and moved on. Nice to have electric and a signal, tho it was only 2 bars. Never got on bikes, but we rode this place last time, so… and it was warm.

Sunday, Oct. 9

Today we shall hike. Drove west on I-70 to mile post 147 for the turn off for Black Dragon Canyon. A canyon hike sporting some pictographs, that I wish I had read more about before we went so I knew what we were looking for. No matter, the best parts were fenced off so you couldn’t miss them. Very cool, the old kind painted with red “paint”. Hiked further on until we turned around when the canyon opened up; this used to be the pass-through for the San Rafael Swell ridge just ahead before they built I-70. Kinda surprised those drawings are sill intact. On our trek back, a group of ATVers were looking for the “black dragon” as were we. No one was sure what it looked like; in my mind, after seeing a brochure I was expecting a big black pterodactyl… and so were they I think. One guy drew something on the ground of what he thought it was – nope, way off. But we did enjoy his hootie dog, Zip, who only had eyes for his owner. Anyway, there was a weak signal as we walked out and the image was the one we were looking at the whole time, a small one in red. That brochure was full of shit. After this nice maybe 3 if that mile hike, we drove a little more west past the swell (which by the way, seems a lot like the Comb Ridge further south in Utah), and got a nice view from the viewpoint. Today we are going out to dinner, as Sheila never misses a Mexican Restaurant sign. La Valenzuela down the road. Sure taking a chance here… Played one game, Sheila won, and Willy refused to walk to dinner so we drove, after one margarita, cuz this place was only celebrating that it could serve beer. It wasn’t too bad, not great, but heck, we are in a VERY small town. Did the trick. We will have to behave for the next 5 nights and eat trailer food.

Monday, Oct. 10

After a stop at the Green River grocery, The Melon Vine --which btw was very clean and very well stocked (we were expecting a west Texas Porters) – it was on to Goblin Valley State Park (#16). A whole 45 minutes away. Another nice sunny day (could be cooler), tho they say mid 70s AND CAN YOU BELIEVE WE ARE IN THE SAME SPOT WE WERE IN PROBABLY 10 YEARS AGO. (ck yrs). OK so there is a noisy 4-kid whiny family across from us, I hope they move on soon.  Not too hot here, so we rode bikes a little (too freakin’ steep and sandy for me, and the paved road is nice but you might get run over), and after a visit to the visitor center (geddy lee mullet boy-girl), we headed out to the canyons known as Ding and Dang. I thought it would just be a drive, but we ended up hiking at least 4 miles, it was nice (tho it could have been cooler), pebble walk not beach sand yay, going as far as we dared, as folks said there would be rock climbs (cut off your arm climbs?), and water up to your chest. No thanks. But we enjoyed what we did, and walking out at almost 5 pm were the last ones out. Of course I forgot the pedometer, but would guess it was about 4 miles in total. Nights cool off into the mid 40s but just right for sleeping. Days are in the high 70s I would guess.

Tuesday, October 11

We liked that canyon hike yday, so will do another today… Crack or Chute canyon, both on the other side of the “reef,” which shall it be? Whichever one we find first. But first Bill took a bike ride down the road to Goblin Valley cuz S was in no mood to rush out. Drove about 30 minutes along the rough gravel road (now I remember why I’ve had enough of 4-wheeling for the sake of 4-wheeling). Stopped at the junction known to have a signal to check messages. Got one from Nancy VM regarding Bernie, getting the correction that yes it is terminal, but the 3 weeks is for chemo. She will forward their info, as Diane DK wanted us to know. Once the driver also had enough of the jostling around, we turned toward what looked to be a canyon and, either way, we were going to hike around the area. There were no signs at the “entrance” (found out later had we gone a bit farther, it would have been the official entrance and marked as such; but like I said, we were going to walk around anyway, very cool desolate area. Turns out it was Crack Canyon, as we learned from 2 other hikers. Later saw a group of 4 (same ones we saw at Ding yday) and that was it. (Did I mention we passed the whiney family ATV-ing on our drive to this canyon? Is this a small world or what.) Anyway, great hike, just enough climbing, didn’t get our feet wet, it had a narrow spot and opened up again, very nice. And also found a nice petrified rock branch I carried out that must weigh 8 lbs. Knowing how everything looks the same, we set up several trail cairns (note to self: how come no one has designed personal trail markers for such a situation? We could be RICH I tell YOU!) to mark out way out. I’m glad we did, as we still wandered off here and there. I’m sure we would have figured it out, eventually, but after 4 miles we surely didn’t want to have to trek further in search of the truck. Came back to much wind in camp and the trailer FULL of dust, just blowing in every window. True Grit here. Did the usual: chips and salsa, happy hour, shower, kibbie, dinner, Friends recordings, and reading. Pooped and asleep by about 9:30 (but of course, wide awake at 4 am).

Kibbie: I whooped his, 3 out of 5, or was it 3 out of 4, doesn’t matter, I WON. Rematch tomorrow

Wednesday, Oct. 12

Yay, the noisy family just left. There was supposed to be a front coming thru but I can’t tell any difference. Sunny as always. Full moon now fading away.

What to do today? Well, we have yet to see the Goblins so that is the main event. OK, did that, now what? Actually, they are interesting, but you walk down into a slight redrock valley and it was like walking into the oven. Yep, too hot under that blazing sun for more than 10 minutes, so I whined and we moved along; need to get back into the shady canyons. Went to the formerly busy Little Wild Horse Canyon, this is the main tourist canyon with parking lot and bathroom. We did this one years ago, but I don’t remember much detail. Wandered our way in and the canyon became a SLOT canyon and suddenly I found myself getting a bit anxious, like, I need to get out of here. I was right behind Bill, considered clmbing over the top of him, but instead fell back for more space when he said it opened up up ahead. Ok then. A few curves later and we are looking at a sliver of a canyon, dark with no light ahead. I said, no thanks, no can-do, I’ll wait here. He did a little but came out soon. Did this before for this time I’d rather not. Feels like a trap. Moved over to a shorter walk on Bell Canyon, which was nice and 5 feet or more wide, but it dead-ended (for us) at a tall rock we could not climb over. Only about 2pm now so we checked out the long-driveway boondock camping outside the park… well, a rough ride in but might be interesting. And far enough way from the road for the dust that is sure to blow in. Next we drove north from cell phone junction (which by the way, today was not producing much of a signal), which turned out to be the San Rafael Reef Wilderness, which also has some boondocking with potential one-bar cell service. Drove north until the road got pretty rough from a wash, but it looked interesting so we parked and walked up it. Cool!! Once you get past the sandy flat part the very walkable slick rock rose up gradually toward the reef edge, seeing full water tanks all the way up. Wanted to get to the top, but once up there it kept going. And so would have I except we had no water or phone for pics and no food and we are getting hungry. Next time! I see the exploration spot. Similar to the comb ridge down south. Came back to a new batch of bike-riding loud kids (why is no one in school?), and it was beautiful out - in the shade of the trailer. Played a best of 3 – Bill did the ass-kickin’ this time. Then the usual, dinner, Quinn, news, friends, reading.

 Thursday, Oct. 13

Today we move on to Capital Reef, home of the dumbest place names, IMO. Been 11 years since we last saw this park too. Drove south from Goblin to Hanksville, hoping for a good grocery. Nope, just a very small one with very limited selections (iceberg lettuce, for instance; but very nice white mushrooms for whatever reason). Got what we could, which was not much, but we did get a cell signal for a quick catch up. We turned west on 24 for the drive to Capitol Reef (first confusing name), not knowing at the time we were driving over the waterpocket fold (yet another confusing name/descriptor). With a one-bar signal, learned from Barb that Roo’s father had passed away, but I was unable to get out my response – it is still stuck in my phone as I type this. Well, what do you know, this place is also PACKED, looks like the tour buses have found it as well, people all over, trailheads overflow parking on the road, campground buzzing, or more, screaming with kids. We are in Loop A #5, easy to get to, seems to be along Host Row. Just BEAUTIFUL here, much cooler in the shade of all the big trees, which are turning into their fall yellow. But OMG, full of kids. Big families and every kid has a bike and likes to squeal its communications. But other than that… Found out this week of October is “fall break” for Utah kids, did not know that. From our notes, we see we were here in March and May, 10 & 11 years ago, and it was soooo much quieter. First thing I had to do was get over to Gifford House (old homestead cabin now gift shop) for whatever they have to offer, last time was that rag rug book and jelly; this time yes on the jelly but no good crafts, tho I will get a horsehair necklace and Bill got a small apple pie and ice cream. Boy do they sell those, the following day I heard the lady say they sold out 30 dozen pies by noon! As I said it’s busy here. Anyway, not sure what to do, so took the “1.2 mile” walk to the visitor center, yep, hot in the sun part of the walk. Was hoping for a signal but not enough for my phone. People people everywhere. At 3pm I went over to the Geology Talk, which was helpful in understanding all this sediment layering around, really enjoyed it. He held up a park brochure, and working backwards, he said if there were a brochure 100,000 years ago it would look like this, holding up an ocean image on cover. Then swamp, then forest, then sand dunes, glaciers, etc etc. All the while, all I could think of is how GLOBAL WARMING maniacs think we will be done in 12 years. Have they ever studied geology??? Have they not seen how this planet has transitioned over millennia, as an ever-changing, plate moving ball of dirt? (my words, that’s why I didn’t give the talk) Hung around, walked the river trail, played Kibbie, I won, and later went to the movie at the amphitheater, also very informative. And holy shit the sky! You can see the milky way even with all the campground lights. My phone can even see it. Oh that was fun trying to get the sky shot at night, flashlights flying everywhere, cars going by, squealing kids at 9pm… Prob walked 3 miles today.

Friday, Oct. 14

This morning we drove south to the Capitol Gorge, where there are “pioneer grafitti” and some (weak) petroglyphs. Walked down the wash to see these carvings, huge families with screaming kids always around, but we kept walking down the wash and got some peace and quiet. Probably walked 3 miles in total. Driving out of there Bill noticed someone was leaking oil, he was right, saw the disabled camper truck on the side of the road, boy the are in a world of hurt, stuck half way down there. After lunch, back out to Hickman Bridge. Damn it was hot at the start, but got cooler further up, about 300 foot gain on that one. Very nice, saw the natural bridge, of course with screaming MOM! Kids around. Walked the boardwalk of Freemont petroglyphs, also not too impressive, but the bus was there. After dinner (running out of good food), former Durango neighbor Kent M showed up at the door – he is camped right behind us. Unbelievable. Went to the 7:30 Ranger Talk, also very good, we hit here with questions. Tried again for the milky way. Dead asleep by 10. And of course, awake at 1 am… ugh. Bill won 2 of 3, but he stole Raindrop. With Hickman, probably walked 5 miles today.

Saturday, Oct. 15

Nice day and the campground is a lot quieter but time to go. Not on the road till about 10:30 after waiting for the dump and all. Drove back to Hanksville and got groceries, if you can call it that, checked phones for messages and drove on down toward Glen Canyon and Natural Bridges. Ol’ Hog Valley (?) has been discovered, people parked all over for hiking the canyons and the campground full. Dang, glad we did this 10 years ago. The lake is as dry and receded as we’ve heard, but a trickle moving thru the canyons. Decided on staying at the Natural Bridges overflow and hike some canyons tomorrow, hoping the weather holds out – warm today but a cooler, overcast day promised for tomorrow, with a chance of rain. No one else here, Bill did a recon down the hill on his motorcycle and decided he could get the trailer down that rutted road, so we did. Such a great spot, and 4 miles from the Kane Gulch trailhead; probably our 4th time here. Did I mention free? Hung out after driving to the ranger station to find it had closed at noon. Beautiful day, but Dish weather says it may rain tomorrow and this will majorly change our plans… Like leaving instead of hiking.

Sunday, Oct. 16

Woke to 47 degrees and increasing clouds, concerning us, at least me. Pulling this thing out in mud scares the BeeJeebies out of me, plus we are low on fuel. Today will be interesting. Hoping for no drama! So after breakfast we will be leaving. Drove straight through after fueling in Blanding. Good thing, because taxes were due and Beck needed more docs to finish. Home by 6 pm. Santa Fe weather has cool now, too -- welcome fall/winter.

RIP: Judy Tenuda, Angela Lansbury, Lou’s father on 13th

Small World: Kent M showed up behind us in Fruita.


Thursday, September 29, 2022

Trip #121 (52): Colorado Tour: State Fair Pueblo to Steamboat

 Trip #121 (52): Colorado Tour: State Fair Pueblo to Steamboat
Aug. 26 – Sept. 7, 2022

Friday, August 26, 2022 — Left town at 10:30 am and headed to Las Vegas to have breakfast at Charlie’s Spic & Span Diner/Bakery. Funky place with good food and killer desserts, including a cinnamon bun maker machine (where can we get one of those?). Since Bill’s on a diet, we didn’t partake of the sweets and even Sheila behaved.

Arrived at Sugarite CG #13 outside Raton around 2pm. Had some light rain so did a drive to see the park. Bill realizes that he forgot the Dish receiver (dumbass) so we watched Dr. Quinn on the pad and went to bed early. Skipped dinner.

Saturday, August 27 — When we booked this trip, temps were supposed to be in the low to mid 80’s, but now it’s pushing 95+ and hot all over CO. Headed up to Pueblo for the Colorado State Fair. Jeffers pooped out on joining us due to the heat wave and 95° daily temps. Arrived at Lake Pueblo SP at noon only to find a camper in our spot. Check in not till 1pm so went to Walmart. When we returned doofus is still there loading up and finally we got settled by 1:30. This lake has some 250+ campsites and it is FULL with boaters and families. Stayed in with AC till 3 pm before heading to downtown to site-see. Went to Union Station and Riverwalk, toured the neighborhoods for some old homes and mansions, but everything is closed. Even old downtown was dead, even though many cool old buildings and shops. Guess everybody is at the fair or the lake. Ate in and decided to hit the fair on Sunday evening.

On Sunday, we rode bikes 10 miles on the trails around the river below the dam. Great trails here but temps heat up fast so back to the trailer around 1pm. Went to town at 4pm and visited El Pueblo Museum where we learned about “green chili sloppers.” Wish we had learned that sooner, as a local Tavern is famous for them. Hence we never had one but that gives us a reason to return. Went to the mall and then to a brewery on Riverwalk for dinner. From there we headed to the fair. It’s the 150th year and probably the same as it was for the last 50 years. Walked around and saw the goats and sheep and pigs. Watched the rides and the carnie games. I think that will be the end of trips to county/state fairs. Those were the same rides I remember from the 70s, said Sheila.

Monday August 29 — Drove to Colorado Springs for Cheyenne Mountain State Park, Bill rode around the CG on E-bike, went to Safeway. Hung around, rode ebike, walked short trail. [note: after we left there was a mass shooting at a gay club here. who knew)

Tuesday, August 30  — We rode bikes on one of the MTB trails. Sheila having hard time with the (VERY HIGH COLORADO) “hills” so we headed back. (Time to rethink the ebike offer.) Then drove to Garden of the Gods Trading Post and a short drive through the park. Walked around Colorado City shops, but dining options limited so decided to find the In n' Out Burger that was MANY miles away. Then went to the very interesting CS History Museum in the old courthouse. Sadly the area is surrounded with LOTS of drug addicts and bums in the bushes and parks, just like every other big city. We have got to do something about this. Living in the bushes down by the river is not acceptable. Staggering across the park with a dish of food is not acceptable. As we left the courthouse museum, a bum was yelling gibberish at us and anyone else around. This is bullshit.

Wednesday August 31 — Drove to Dillon via Breckenridge to Lowry CG, on the other side of the lake that we normally camp. Site is up in hills (i.e., mountain) away from the lake. Rustic spot, no water available but electric. (weirdo walking his cat in a stroller.) Drove down to Murdoch’s and the Restore—one of the best Restores I’ve even seen* (*editor's note: just wait till you get to Aspen), it’s where the wealthy bring their expensive castoffs. Sure wish we needed a chandelier or lighting fixture. Sheila bought a framed print and we got a DVD to watch later. Went to outlet mall and She finds (end of season sale-clearance $11 various) clothes to her liking, always scoring at the Williams Sonoma outlet. Back to trailer for happy hour, dinner and a new DVD movie. Building that $1 collection.

On Thursday Sept. 1, we noticed weird cat boy next door who takes his cats for walks in a stroller while he reads a book. No girlfriend…wonder why? Today we took bikes down to lake and rode 4 miles to Dillon and back. Sheila makes final commitment that she wants an e-bike too. Loooong stretches of inclines at 10,500 ft. Yeah, it wasn’t “fun.” Found another thrift store and thus another 3 or so DVDs for emergencies.

Friday, September 2 — Everything is booked for Labor Day weekend but we don’t want to impose on Jeff & Cheryl for an extra night, so we boondocked at Rabbit Ears pass - just in time, as a spot at Dumont Lake opened up for one night so we booked it. It’s right at entrance so we get dusted by all the vehicles going in and out looking for a spot. At least we’re not one of the lost with no where to go. It’s 9,000 feet up here, but it is still hot and no electric. Went for a short walk on lake trail, the direct sun was a killer for S, she had enough before long since there was no scavenger hunt of ruins or shards or animals, etc to keep her occupied. Bill rode around on ebike while She napped (yeah right, with this traffic?). Made sloppers and watched one of the DVDs.

Saturday, Sept. 3 — Plans always in flux and today would be no different. Were supposed to go to Jeff’s today about noon, but in the am we find out he isn’t feeling well and she is at the airport. So we offer to do the pickup, about 30 mins west of Steamboat. Timing worked out perfectly. Jeff’s sickness was probably heat exhaustion from yard work in this heat, why can’t men ever think to stop and drink?? Parked down below at their barn, next to their NEW to them Airstream! Took things slow, did a walk on their property to see the retreat, Cheryl taking the little dog Lucy in a stroller someone gave them. Dinner at their house. They have the open sliding glass walls to the outdoor deck (no screen) so every fly in town or at least in the pasture next door was flying around. That can’t be fun.

Sunday, Sept. 4 — Started day slow, then we call came down for an Airstream walkthough for them and their new travel home. Lots to share, probably overwhelmed them but we hope it helped. They have it more for getting from Point A (steamboat) to B (weeki wachee) with 3 dogs. Hung around, had lunch, then Bill and I went to wander the town – I had to see the western store that had all the small billboards for miles, EH Light or something. It was nice but busy, as was the entire town since a rodeo was going on later. Nice town, need to come back again; it a bit higher-end ski town than Durango, so we skipped a lot of places. However we did find a Tequila & Taco Bar so went in for a marg! Also very busy but got a spot at the bar. Good marg. I axed about the Kardashian brand, 818, next thing I know she is pouring (all 3 of us) a shot. Nice. Tried to get a cool bottle out of her, but she said too bad, another gal who makes & sells BONGS just came in and cleaned them out. Back to the house and again Cheryl made us dinner. Talked their heads off and left about 9pm.

Monday, Sept. 5 — Next stop Carbondale for the trip back. Went to our usual place, not in Glenwood since that place on the river is a zoo. Did a bike ride around Carbondale (they actually have street sweepers in their neighborhoods, wow, cool). Not the greatest bike ride cuz it was busy to ride but at least we got out. The campground is right along the trail along the river so did that, but why are those so boring – long stretches of bushes I guess. Anyway, can’t remember in which order, but we spent an afternoon walking around Glenwood Springs finally. It was hotter than shit, like the car said 107 or so when we got back, but wandered the shopping area, checking out a Trek E bike. Yeah, I’ll take that, size Medium. Crossed that money saving bridge to see a few old hotels and had lunch at Tequilas. That was good. Just like Durango, these people have places all over, including Pagosa and more. Long walk back to the blazing vehicle.

Tuesday, Sept. 6 — Well I guess this was our day in Aspen; were here only once before when we camped at the very dark hole known as Maroon Bells many years ago. Was hoping for cooler weather up there, or down there, but still warmer than was comfortable but walked all over anyway, passing by the Prada type stores… Didn’t see Kurt or Goldie, tho we looked. The Hotel Jerome was cool. Found out later that that was the little bar where Hunter S hung out at, and that they have their own special (milkshake) drink, if only I’d known beforehand. We took a quick look at the menu and had decided to move on. It was hot enough that the kids were playing in the squirting water feature along the sidewalk, I considered it myself… Finally found a place to have dinner, sat outside, half melting. I was hot. and not in a good way. I swear this is the same place we ate those many years ago. Bill doesn’t remember, but I do. 

Wednesday, Sept. 7 — Started heading for home, blew past Leadville and the next thing you know we kept driving until we hit Santa Fe. Perfect.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Trip #120 (51): Rio Grande Gorge & Red River

Trip #120 (51): Rio Grande Gorge & Red River 

Wednesday, July 13 - 18, 2022

Wednesday, July 13 — Arrived later in the day to Wild Rivers campground. #16 in Montaso CG, good spot, only 2 on this space and no one else here. Pretty warm so ran the a/c around 4pm. Whatever we do tomorrow, we best start it early.

Thursday, July 14 — Got an early start (up at 6am thanks to errant alarm clock), and hiked down to the Rio Grande River via the Big Arsenic trail. One mile down, 10 miles up. Would end up in the 90s later, so great we started about 9 or so. Rode bikes down the road to the trailhead, great campground here, all newly redone. Hike back up was killer, but we did it. Later drove over the the visitor center. It now being 94 degrees and the generator could not work hard enough (or get enough propane) to run the a/c properly so we just roasted for few hours, hoping it would rain, tho it never did. Did all around, but not here. Hot hot hot 

Friday July 15 — Moved up to Red River at Fawn Lakes CG. Unfortunately a recent flood washed out the lakes and nothing left but a dry lake bed. But our spot, #5 was roomy with shade and located next to the river. Set up camp and Sheila set up the Hummer feeders. Constant barge of hummers. Went to town to shop and ate at the Red River Distillery.

Saturday, July 16 — Went to town with bikes and rode around town. All trails are straight up and best for ATV's. Drove up the highway to 10K altitude, but most hikes are also straight up and full of ATV's. This is a suburb of Texas and that's what they do.

Sunday July 17 — Decided to drive up to Cabresto Lake near Questa. It's a rough 4WD road and met others turning around because of a broken down ATV blocking the road. So we went to town to Farmers market and the grocery store. Got water and just headed back to camp and sat around. Weather has been relatively cool with afternoon showers.

Monday July 18 — So due to the ever increasing heat wave and Sheila's lack of crafts to keep her busy, we decided to head home where temps are around 94-97°.

RIP: Ivanna Trump

Trip #119 (50): Grand Canyon North Rim

Trip #119 (50): North Rim Grand Canyon 

May 18 - 23, 2022

Wed, May 18 — Left warmer Santa Fe, with fires burning to the east and west (Calf-Hermits & Cerro Pelado) on Wednesday driving all the way to Winslow. Diesel pries $5.19 on the rez north of Alb. The Depp Trial is on-going, and doing my best to listen in the car as long as there is a signal, which is a safe bet along I-40. Grocery Safeway stop in Gallup, not normally remarkable, except they had the SEA SALT SMART FOOD POPCORN!!! Only place I have found it in about a YEAR. Camped at Homo‘lovi #34, good thing we had a reservation, cuz it was full. And 91 degrees, too hot in the sun. Of course, dinner at the Turquoise Room at La Posada, super delish as always. The Killer Veggie Plate was good, but not quite as good as before (this is probably the 5th or 6th time I’ve had it, never order anything else). Bill had Bone-In Pork with Raspberry sauce, excellent says he. Took a stroll around the grounds things look about the same except greener, bought a tin Xmas ornament, that La Posada is so well done, then another walk around the campground in the dark. It was a beautiful breezy, warm night after the blazing day. [Water report: Show was like using hot tub water – super chloriny!! Bill did a flush but PU it is still in there, was afraid I would have white or green hair like a public pool. And then the used Brita filter must have grown mold cuz the water I later discovered while in Grand Canyon tasted like mold!!! Quite happy to be drinking straight out of the tab across the street, better than any of ours.]

Thursday, May 19 — Oh Lordy, it is blazing here this am, stay in the shade if there were any… prob mid 80s by the time we hit the road for the Rim. Today turned out to be a long drive than expected, long stretches east of Flagstaff on 89 and 89a through the Nav Rez in a very hot and very windy drive. Not too many road jewelry vendors out in this wind. After finally reaching Jacob Lake, it is another 42 miles south to the rim, geez, don’t remember it being THIS long of a drive, long but… anyway. It’s higher and cooler here – entrance gate says 8800 feet. Kinda feel it. Got set up in spot #55, in the interior, easy enough pull-through, then tried to ride bikes – omg are we outta shape – then drove to see the lodge and gift shop, of course. Pretty busy, everyone here for the Kaibab trail it seems, very busy at the trailhead. Had a steak dinner and early evening – too many beautiful trees for the dish and the volume suddenly wasn’t working on the bedroom TV so no Friends.

Friday, May 20 — Cold at night since a cool wave came through, about 40 in the am. Got out for a hike on The Trancept Trail (1.2 mi) right off the CG, very very nice; how come we didn’t do this before. Takes you all the way to the Lodge, only quicker than Bridle Trail it seems, and then to the Bright Angel Overlook off the Lodge – which we also never did before. Good views but extremely hazy either from dust or smoke and the high winds. Walked back on the Bridle Trail (4 miles total) and it is getting a bit warmer, tho prob didn’t top 68 degrees. Later the winds seemed cooler from that front. After lunch, walked over to the General Store down the street, not a bad store, and again with the phone since there is wifi there. After that we drove to the Widforss Trail to check it out – might have to do that tomorrow. THEN, drove to Point Imperial for an overlook. Drive goes through old burn areas now overtaken with zillions of aspens not giving the pines a chance to grow it seems. Great overlook area, too bad it is so hazy. Dinner at the Lodge tonight, at 8:15, the place is packed, but we got in about 30 minutes early even so. I think we were the only ones to have taken a shower before dinner. Lots of hikers right off the trail and many with their suitcases waiting for the shuttles after dinner I guess. Colder tonight, home by 9. TV working now.

Saturday, May 21 — Happy birthday Chris W. Was cool last night, about 44 this am. Looks like the winds have slowed down as I type this. Supposed to be 68 today, perfect. Drove over to hike Widforss Trail after it warmed up a tad. Great hike! Along the rim, but in the big pines, plenty of shade… Tho the trail went for 4 miles, we did 2, and turned back, did 4 miles. Came back and had a Napa lunch. Took the bikes out, rode around the park residential area, met two mules, and noticed some ranger types were activating – turns out later we saw the ambulance, and Bill said someone got airlifted out by heli for something. We will probably never know. Didn’t ride a lot, but was nice to ride the pavement over there. Not ready to sit around, so after reading more of the Navajo rug and weaving book, I wanted to go back to the gift shop and look at the rugs there, so I walked the Trancept Trail back for another 2 miles. Love this campground trail to the Lodge, hardly anyone on it at 5pm, and Bill stayed back and talked roads with Scott, and did some packing up since we leave tomorrow. Dinner, showered and in jammies by 7:45. Pathetic! Early night after Quinn and Friends.

Sunday, May 22 — 41 degrees this am. Time to pack up and go, to where, no one knows, but I really need a signal to hear the Depp trial! Drove through Nav country and stopped Hubbell trading Post. Not much new there. Drove on to Gallup and had plannee to camp at McGaffey CG, but as we drove in, the forest is closed for wildfire prevention even tho no fires in the area. So went to check out Red Rock Park and it is pretty full and run down so onward to the Sky Casino RV lot. Long drive so we had spaghetti and watched TV.

Definitely want to camp this I-40 Gallup area in more depth soon...

Monday, May 23

With everything closing up for fire prevention, it’s an obvious time to head home earlier than expected.



Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Trip #118 (49): NM Guadalupe Loopie

#118 NM Trip: Guadalupe Mtns, Ruidoso (then fire), Salinas Missions, Monzano Mtns

Sunday, Apr 3 

Departed on a Sunday, driving south on 285 all the way to just north of Carlsbad at Brantly Lake State Park. Such light traffic... probably because pot became legal here yesterday and everyone is still home getting high. 

Tues - Arrived to freaking HURRICANE force winds (almost) at Guadalupe National whatever it is. Walked getting sandblasted to the visitor center. Huge mistletoes in trees, but they don't remove, stupid. This is not a day to do any exploring.

Wed., Apr. 6 - 44 degrees in the am. Hiked Devil's Hallway, practically the entire trail was climbing over boulders in a large wash for a total of 4 miles. Dead ended at a dry waterfall that neither of us was willing to climb. Later took a drive over to the Spring Ranch, part of the park, an old historic ranch home and also the remnants of the Butterfield State stop from so long ago. Exciting, saw one dark colored deer. Don't see them ever where we live now.

[Hey where is the copy???]

Fort Stanton, fabulous campground in Ruidoso, out in the middle of nowhere, down the road from the fort and amongst the bat caves! (Rob Jigger CG) Interesting area. Another go-back. And oh, did I mention it burned after we got home? Not that exact area, but all north of Ruidoso. awful. not far from town,

check next time:

Black Water Draw Museum near Portales (2024 update: did the university museum, but not the site)

Amerind private museum near tombstone for artifacts from these places

RIP: Bobby Rydell. Dwayne Hadkins (qback in Fla traffic)


Sunday, February 6, 2022

Trip #117 (48): Down AZ, Up NM

Trip #117 (48): Jan 29, 2022

Birthday Trip Down AZ, up NM 

Left Saturday, Jan. 29 …was cold in SF. First night @ Winslow, Homolovi campground, 30 degrees at night. Stroll and dinner at La Posada, delicious as always. I have never had anything but the Killer Veggie Platter. And probably never will. It is just amazing. 

Sunday - drive to Cave Creek with stop at In n Out for lunch. Perfect 73 degrees. Hung out, short walk. Still full from lunch so guac for din!

Monday - Becoming overcast, walked the little town of Cave Creek, securing two talavera pots at casa decor + other ideas. Drove into Scottsdale, very busy. Do this another day. Another short hike on Clay Mine Trail 63 degrees. Dining in 2nite

Tues – Drive to old Scottsdale, walking, galleries, lunch at Cien Agave.

Wed - hiked 4 miles on John Trail, another drive thru Cave Creek shops, ate in

Thurs - Safford, stayed in, left on hook, 32 degrees. Cold front continues.

Fri - Las Cruces 2 nites. Chile Institute at the college, drove around, 3 car accidents in town, walked downtown, event setting up (bought 2 bagels), fabulous dinner at La Posta!

Sat - 23 degrees this am. After the group birthday text and chris' latest project and sharing marketing ideas, headed out to farmer & craft market downtown (better than expected craftwise, mostly everyone had a dog), went to COAS bookstore, the University Museum (one room jammed with mexican textiles and ancient pottery from the entire region just sitting on shelves), Home Depot (plant marker material, none), delish lunch at a Bit of Belgium (which ruined dinner - Bill waffle and my bkfst green chile stew), then to Mesilla and fave store Galeri Azul next to Double Eagle (last time got blue cotton bedspread) and found outdoor mat for patio. Hope size is good, 5x8, much deliberation on style/color. Had to think... shopped around more, nothing great, back home. Found patio furniture photo! My store photo of rug helps... Gonna give it a try! Went back before 6pm closing and, wanting the 6 x 9 it was then that I realized it was only the 5 x 8 but guess what, it was on sale because it's been discontinued geez Louise. So now we got it. And this will be my birthday gift, cuz don't need anything else pretty much. Hope i like it! Too far to return. stayed in, still not very hungry, found plant markers on amazon, still working our way thru 10 seasons of recorded Friends, on season 3. All night had to hear neighbor’s trailer heater turn on and off - so loud and annoying. Every 10 mins sounded like a truck starting up. So ok. The end.

Sun - Feb 6. 24 degrees overnight. Could go all the way home, but supposed to snow in Santa Fe at our arrival, so might do one more night at elephant butte, temps in SF still under freezing - no trailer thanks! but first, a salsa shopping stop in Hatch.

RIP ...