Monday, March 30, 2020

Trip #107 (38): Tucson & S. New Mexico

Trip #107 (38): Tucson & S. New Mexico 

March 7 – 16, 2020

City of Rocks, NM; Catalina SP,  In 'n Out Burger, Rain, Coronavirus begins, ruins return trip

Saturday, Mar. 7 & 8 
City of Rocks State Park for 2 nights in overflow spot. Rain rain rain.
Monday, Mar. 9 – 12
Tucson, Catalina SP. Shopping, malls, outdoor mall + mex dinner, searching for toilet paper because Corona virus is now officially a pandemic, bike rides, feed the birds, and several trips to In 'n Out burger. Geislers came down for a visit and dinner at some pub up the road.
Friday, Mar. 13
A reserved stay at Kartchner Caverns #45 where Bill toured the batty caverns, not me. Later we hiked around the park. Strict rules: can't feed the birds or havelights on at nights.
Saturday, Mar. 14
Tombstone! Much fun, great photos. Town busy with veteran biker event, camped in town at the OK Corral. Drinking all day cuz we could stop at the trailer… went to dinner at Ital-Mex place that was gross. Found Curley Bill for photo op with BN after dinner. "Chardonnay poisoning" #3… in & out the bathroom all night and no sleep (wouldn't it be great to full time?? Times like this provides perspective). Tomorrow not going to be fun…time to move on.

Sunday, Mar. 15
Were going to stop at Elephant Butte CG but Hitler shut them down so we had to boondock north of the CG off the interstate. There were others and it was fine, but still always creepy.
Monday, Mar. 16
Home. Laundry. The usual. But not really, found out the entire town on stay at home orders due to virus. what a pain.

RIP: Max Von Sydow

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Trip #106 (37): Florida in January

Trip #106 (37): Florida in January. Yes, to Florida, Again. Tho we swore it wouldn't happen, we did it again.
Jan 11 – Feb 9, 2020

Note: Both of us were sick all through the holidays, so once we got better we hit the road.

Saturday, Jan. 11
It was 14 degrees out as we packed to leave. Left at 10:30am. Took 285 south, stopped for lunch in Vaughn. Arrived to camp (sunny 57 degrees) at 4:30 to Carlsbad (yes, it does stink like methane out there) and the sun was about to set. Camped the night at Brantley Lake, a little empty, crappy empty place, but full elec site.

Sunday, Jan. 12
To Water Valley. Oh, boring Texas. Camped free in a city park before we reached San Angelo, place empty except for some family picnickers. Always creepy to be the only ones in a place, but seems that is our specialty.

Monday, Jan 13
San Angelo to Austin. Ugh the traffic. McKinney Falls Park, our first spot the electricity didn’t work, so had to move to another spot after setting up. PITA. Raining thru hill country. Went to downtown area but it was full of homeless people and not very fun looking in the dark in the rain. Found Ironworks BBQ place and Voodoo donuts. Wet wet wet and thick fog.

Tuesday, Jan. 14
Long wet drive, Austin to Opelousas, LA. Much fog and big accident outside Austin. Rainy wet mist all day. Took 610 around Houston in rain but make it to Opelousas for a little city park $11, Bill’s fave, but I’m not leaving the fuselage. 71 degrees and humid. omg why are we doing this....

Wednesday, Jan. 15

After stop in Baton Rouge for beignets and muffuletta, made it to Black River SP in Florida Panhandle. Long route around due to river flooding. Finally starting to dry out a bit but plenty of humidity.

Thursday, Jan. 16 
Stephen Foster SP, old park with Mister “Old Folks at Home” plantation home. When will the cancel culture attack here? Took a bike ride, weather is finally nice!

Friday Jan. 17 
Stopped in New Smyrna to visit Robin and John for a night.

Saturday Jan 18 
Stop in Vero to visit Jim & Newt. Umbilical cord fell out of socket and dragged for miles so had no trailer brakes or lights. Need to replace!!

2 weeks in Fla, Jan 19 thru Feb 2

Monday, Feb. 3
Fort De Soto CG in St Pete, always a fave spot. Met Barb & Lou for dinner at Italian place, good time. Short bike ride, nice weather.

Tuesday, Feb. 4
Pat Thomas Park on Talquin Lake near Tallahassee. Nice spot lakeside, but then the rain started again. A creepy city park. but it always turns out fine (so far), but I'm always creeped out by city parks.

PS: High Springs FL has best Publix ever.

Wednesday, Feb. 5 (a date that will live in infamy)
Fountainblue SP on Lake Ponchartrain. BIG RAIN, like, can’t see the highway kind of rain. Unbelievable. So bad we actually stopped at the interstate visitor center somewhere to wait it out when we could. I-10, squall after squall, so no return to Baton Rouge for beignets, besides, kind of sick of eating anything we want. We are 2 big fat cows. Camp was half flooded and gross as usual. Wet wet wet. No birthday dinner for She till we get back to SF.

Thursday, Feb. 6
Cagle CG on Conroe Lake north of Houston, getting nicer out and colder at night.

Friday, Feb. 7
Elm Creek CG near Winters, TX. Small CG on reservoir and no one around except for a cat keeping watch from deserted dilapidated house at entrance. Another creepy one but full hookups and free!

Saturday, Feb. 8
Oasis State Park near Portales, NM. Toured around town and ENMU campus. Ate mediocre Mexican and stopped at Walmart for supplies. Nice spot for overnite. Headed home next morning.

RIP: Kobe Bryant the rapist, Orson Bean, Robert Conrad, Rush announced cancer