Sunday, January 11, 2015

Trip #67 (35): Southern Cal, Newport Beach to Encinitas

January 8 – 23, 2015
Thursday, 8th: Beautiful yet cold Durango weather as we left for Apache Junction and the 7 hour drive to pick up the trailer. Beautiful weather upon our arrival too, 65 cool degrees (yes I wore a jacket). The two Big Macs for $4.44 in Payson ruined our appetites so ate lite and went to bed early.

Friday, 9th: Hiked the base of the Superstitions for a few miles, went shopping, and later met Bill's old friend--35 year reunion--at Aunt Chiladas in Mesa. A late start, not leaving the trailer until almost 8pm. Beautiful HUGE moon rising on our drive back.
Saturday, 10th: Late start, four hour drive west into the middle of the California desert to Chiriaco Summit for free dry camping behind the General Patton Museum along I-10. Not bad: cafe and antique store here, quiet, seems safe... A few raindrops but not much. Another Airstream parked here so we figured it was safe. Met the couple, they live in Mexico but have leased out their house and now they are on the road for a year. You meet all kinds.

Sunday, 11th: A short drive to the coast, however, it was rain the entire way and day. Not a fun drive but Billy did good maneuvering on the slick roads. Arrived in Newport Beach about 1 pm, but told check in is not until 3 pm. However, the space was open so he let us in anyway. Yucky set up in the wet and mud, glad to get inside. All the trails in the mountains behind the campground are closed so no hiking here, just the beach down and across the Pacific Coast Highway. We are at El Moro Campground, part of Crystal Cove State Beach south of Newport. BEAUTIFUL area (once the sun came out), huge park and mall and Trader Joe’s within 2 or so miles. I think I could get a Mercedes and live here. So back to Sunday: Beth and Asa drove in from Chino Hills to visit, good sports cuz it’s a nasty day. Had a couple margs in the trailer, caught up on 15 years, then went down to Laguna Beach for dinner at Coyote Grill. Thankfully we had a designated drive in Beth! whew, that was a smart move... Great time, we will have to do this again sometime.

Monday, 12th: The sun is out! Time to dry out. Temp would reach the mid 60s. We rode bikes to the beach and north about a mile to see the circa 1930s Crystal Cove Cottages. Very cool old cluster of wooden homes, and a few restaurants, right on the sand which can be rented, if you don't mind people wandering all over. There's a whole older section not yet rehabbed, need to raise more money. Had a recovery shake at the Shake Shack and rode back to the trailer. Cleaned up and went out for a drive to the Balboa peninsula, not the island, then to the gorgeous Fashion Island, what a beautiful mall and area. Then to Trader Joes. Had burger night at the trailer -- the burgers we were supposed to have the day before.

Tuesday, 13: Today we move down to Dana Point, but have time to kill. So I have decided I want stronger binoculars so we went back to the mall but no sale, want to research more. Moved down to Dana Point, ugh, this ain't no Newport, ahem, and moved in to Doheny State Park on the beach -- California's first state park. It's old. But not too bad. Our spot is on the edge of the sand so that is nice, can hear the ocean roar below. One wave at a time. Drove around the first day as we always do, got some Nikon binocs at Walmart, but will probably return -- I want something stronger. These are 10x42, I think I want 12x50 but no ones got them. Need them for shore whale watching. So far nothing.... tho they say they are running early this year. Walked to dinner over to the harbor to Harpoon Henry, hey its not Mexican! very good shrimp and wahoo tho.

Wednesday, 14th: Oh, BTW, the a/c fan went out in the truck while in AZ so today Bill took it to the dealer (2 miles up the road) and got a ride back. Also 2.5 miles up the road is the San Juan Capistrano mission, so we rode bikes up there to tour it, very beautiful for pic-taking. Lunch at Rubys diner on the rooftop (next time, try El Adobe), perfect day. Then we rode over to the Ford dealer and drove it home -- and they washed it inside and out! wow! gotta come here for the next service visit. Stopped at Ralphs supermarket (I liked that one), sat for the sunset and had k-bobs tonight. Theres an El Torito over at the harbor.... just sayin....

Thursday, 15th: Happy Birthday Owen. Nights are cool here, about 45. Theres no electric here at Doheny but we are getting by with the generator. Going to bed early a lot; we sleep like logs in this trailer, perhaps its the lack of oxygen with the windows closed up tight. Rather noisy here in the park, highway right over there, plus a train track, plus construction on the Interstate which is right over there, pile-driver starts up at 7:15 am. This is our last day here. Now we know. Did a short walk on the beach in the am, longer bike ride from here to San Clemente along the PCH, good bike trails around here. Cleaned up and drove up to Laguna to a toy store— Bill wants a new kite—which he got and now has to learn how to use. And I wanted a small succulent garden, which I found at The Plant Depot off Capistrano. Could go crazy with these, but got to get this home. Back at the beach Bill had many failed attempts to fly that new dive-bombing kite, and switched back to the pirate one, so easy to fly. Went to dinner at Olamendi’s, a Mexican restaurant on PCH I noticed on our bike ride. Checked it out on the web and found that Nixon used to go there. At 81! Food very good but the margaritas weren't all that. However the chips and salsa... yum.

Friday, 16th: Happy Birthday Aunt V! 45 degrees this am. Today we move on to San Clemente, but this time not on the beach, guess its up a hill in a state park. Thats fine with me, Im not all beach all the time for sure. Our bike ride yday to San Clem had us in a neighborhood a block from the beach and seeing some very cute little homes all stacked up and looking good. Got a good feel there, liked it. (Dana Point, not so much...) Took a bike ride to the Harbor one last time, then up the steep hill on Golden Lantern, having to get off the bike and walk the last bit to the top. Bill rode it! Thought my lungs would bust. Moved to our new location for the next two nights, San Mateo Campground right next to Camp Pendleton. I hear helicopters. Campground pretty empty but would fill up for the weekend. About 1.5 miles from the shore this time, but we did the trail hike to the beach where of course, all the surfers are coming and going, right up until the sun is setting. They are committed. Stayed in for the night; Bill’s turn to cook! skettie nite.

Saturday, 17th: Took it easy today, was going to ride but never did. Instead did the car tour, driving into downtown San Clemente to walk around and get the lay of the land. Did some window shopping and got two little succulents, plus some neat ideas for more projects involving succulents, glass cutting, bird baths, stepping stones... Picked up a sammich at Billy's deli and had a little picnic at the beach, watched the surfers (theres always surfers), and moved on again to the south, driving the length of Camp Pendleton and the state park across the street, which includes a nuclear plant. Dont want to camp there! Tried to visit the pier, but no where to park the big truck, so got a pic. Back at camp I did some work until sunset. Then we met another old friend of Bill’s, Greg and Jane, for dinner, Mexican of course. El Rancho; tried for South of Nicks, but 1.5 hour wait there in downtown San Clem.

Sunday, 18th: About 50 this am. Time to move on down to Encinitas today.