Thursday, December 10, 2015

Trip #75 (6): Florida for Christmas 2015

December 5, 2015 -  January 19, 2016

6,000+ Miles  

Arizona: Wild Horse Pass Casino, New Mexico: Mesilla, Texas: Sanderson, San Antonio
Louisiana: Lake Charles, Lake Ponchartrain. Fla: Panhandle's Destin, Live Oak, Withlacoochie River/Silver Lake near Nobleton, Vero, Pompano, Naples, St Pete, Santa Rosa

Saturday, Dec. 5
Nice day for a drive back down to Phoenix for the trailer. Durango had good weather, nothing to worry about, not even super cold. Stopped for coffee at Safeway in Gallup and who walks up but Jeff Trank. Blew me away! Chatted for about 30 minutes then back on the road. Arrived to Superstorage before dark, unpacked and moved it over to Wild Horse Pass Casino among a very busy parking lot for the night. Walked over to the outlet mall for shopping and food court dinner. Called it an early night.

Sunday, Dec. 6
Left the parking lot for Las Cruces today. But first: a stop at In 'n Out Burger for an early lunch outside Tucson. First time to "hack the menu"! 2x2 animal style and well done fries, which weren't, root beer float and a neopolitan shake for me! Back on the road without a stop until Lordsburg for another coffee hit. What a desolate place. Arrived to The Hacienda campground about 3:30. Out for food at Walmart, then dinner down the street at Andele, pretty not great tho it was  packed. Good salsa bar but Bill's beef, their specialty was dry and plain! And we are so close to Mexico, dammit. Oh well. Mornings here low 30s, days were 65, nice.

Monday, Dec. 7
Went out in the truck to scout around first, then took out the bikes to downtown Mesilla plaza area. After hitting a few shops (got a blue cotton queen size cotton bedcover at the Mexican shop), we rode bikes along the irrigation ditch, having a lovely time until Bill got a flat tire. He had a kit to fix it so we were able to get back after 6 miles. Then went out to see the town and hit the mall; came back to find two more tires flat! big thorns to blame, no wonder no one rides that great trail... So he fixed those too. Finally at night for dinner we went to the Double Eagle to again eat on their patio, which was the best chips and salsa, but the margarita, no so much. should have axed for a margatini.

Tuesday, Dec. 8
Mesilla to eventually Sanderson, TX. Took Interstate until after El Paso, then we took Highway 90 thru Del Rio and into San Antonio eventually. Pretty much uneventful driving except for a stop at Marfa, or outside it near Valentine, to see the Prada store art installation. That was... interesting. Marfa also know for strange lights glowing and twinkling in the distance--since the 1880s-- but we didn't stay there at night to see them; he kept driving until Sanderson, where we were the only "guests" at Canyon RV "Resort," a rather strange place, a highway on one side and the train tracks on the other, self-serve, $25 a night with full hookups and cable, tho wifi didn't work. Not bad, it was getting dark anyway, we had food, good thing cuz no where to go... just a place to cookout and sleep. Again, cool mornings, high 30s, days 70-ish.

Wednesday, Dec. 9
Leaving Sanderson, the drive was mostly empty roads except for trucks, and open desert along the Mexico border. Stopped at Seminole Canyon State Park for a look-see, but decided to keep going. Could have kayaked the Pecos River, but saving it for another time. Warmer here, near Langtry, maybe 80; back in the truck to drive on. Kinda retracing our steps from three years ago, so no need to keep stopping. Uvalde was a bigger town than I recall, cute. Finally reached San Antonio and staying again at  Travelers World on Roosevelt, spot #118, almost near same as last time. But so much warmer this time! Sunny and 80 and beautiful. Quickly got on bikes for a short 4 mile ride on river trail, couldn't connect to mission cuz we are stupid and came back, margarita time! Couldn't decide on where to have dinner, so drove around to the south along Military (which looked like 441), and picked a place with the most cars: La Pearla Mexican. Well, it was packed with local Mexicans, plus a crooner sitting at a table with his guitar. Good cheap food, and did enjoy. Wine margaritas so passed on that. $40 night/ full hookups

Thursday, Dec. 10
Bike day to Riverwalk. Cool morning but would warm up to about 80. Ready to finally go and there's another flat tire on my bike: front tire again. Another thorn. So he patched that and we got off to a late start. Rode the Riverwalk north to town, GREAT cement trail, beautiful and wonderful, well maintained and couldn't have asked for anything better. It was about 4 miles to downtown, then we parked them at La Villeta and walked the loops from there. Before this I found my new favorite neighborhood: King William with incredible old mansion after old mansion, all restored to gorgeousness. Loved that. So did the loop walked, everything about the same as three years ago, then got back on bikes and rode north about another 4 miles, past the water locks for the little river boats, then turned around beyond that. Trail even nicer up that way, lots of interesting details: hanging fish art under the interstate overpass, a cave, apparently some bats live around there, etc. Stopped at the Blue Star arts area on the way back (kinda weird area) and rode back to camp: 17 miles in all. Cleaned up and drove to town later for dinner at Paesano's, good Italian and giving mexican a rest (just this once). What a vibrant downtown, walked a ways and seems to be a pretty safe place, even in the dark.

Friday, Dec. 11
Interstate driving today toward the dreaded Beaumont...  knowing the east is ahead of us, along with it's many people and traffic... and humidity. Had a slow down around lunch time in Houston but made it through; heading as far as Lake Charles today. Finally arrived later in the day back to our old Westlake Park in the swamp. Three years ago it was cold and empty, this time, it was warm and almost full. Overcast and gray, humidity and mosquitoes. It's all here. Stayed in for the night and ate leftovers, and what's that? a salad? Facebook gave me look back three years ago in history and we were IN THE SAME CAMPGROUND ON THE SAME DAY THREE YEARS AGO. unbelievable. This is a weird place, time to keep moving on. $24/night, water and elec

Saturday, Dec. 12
Kind of in a race with the weather. They keep saying rain is coming so we are rushing to keep a day ahead of it but once in a while we need to slow down. Especially after some heavy interstate traffic driving. ugh. But not him, he wants to keep going. We got in a short bike ride around the park before leaving this strange swamp area. Today we would drive across Louisiana, mostly on Highway 190 (about 15 miles north of I-10) rather than the bumpy interstate. Not bad, very rural, passing thru several little towns: Elton, Eunice, Basile, etc. Ready for some cajun so picked Ronnie's in Eunice. Again, the place was packed, everyone was HUGE and everyone knew we weren't from there. Very friendly folks, waitress very helpful trying to explain what a Boudin was, so we tried an order. Still not sure, but not bad. The truck driver with the fuller family stopped by to chat as well. Bill's po boy was great, but my okra shrimp gumbo was.... not. It was pureed, no distinguishable solid food parts of either okra or shrimp, and it tasted like, well, cigarette butts. But I choked it down after drowning it in hot sauce. Back on the road, heading for Coffee Call BEIGNETS in Baton Rouge, our original destination! Highway busy as always around there but we made it there slowly by about 3:30. Again, being watched by locals who started up a convo, very nice and suggested where to camp. They figured it was our Airstream. This is becoming a pattern around here. Are we that obvious? Guess so. Inhaled a large plate of beignet fingers and cafe au laits, and went nextdoor to a friendly and busy walmart for food. Getting late... getting dark... ended up towing another hour in the dark in heavy traffic to get to the Fountainbleau State Park on Lake Ponchartrain for the night. Left it on the hook and hmm, not really hungry. Got here about 6:30. Should be a nice park, I see they have a great bike trail, but too dark to tell.  $26 a night, elec and water

Sunday, Dec. 13

Dreary weather still, warm and humid and cloudy… just about all I have ever seen in the part of the country. But we took a bike ride on the very nice rails to trails they have here, maybe went 4 miles, can't remember, and it got warmer and Billy was whining so we went back to leave. Checked out the sugar mill ruins that are part of the park, interesting. Checkout isn't until 1pm. Drove all the way to the Florida Panhandle and picked a park in Destin on the beach. First time in this area, the Emerald Coast, packed with chain stores and beach things, I can't imagine this at spring break. Got roped into taking a toll bridge that was barely 2 miles long and cost $11.25!!! ridiculous. Samantha owes us. As soon as we got out of the truck to check in at Henderson State Park's park station, we started this annoying cough. Both of us, weird. Still trying to stay ahead of the weather so wanted a decent place if we had to spend the day doing laundry in the rain. Got on bikes for a quick ride to the beach, wind blowing like a MFer, I hated it and turned around after a few pics. A nice couple on bike was kind enough to show us the way, we were riding around lost when she showed us. Wet wet wet here, so close to the beach so wet city. not liking.
$33 a night, elec and water only, with a backwards dump station.

Monday, Dec. 14

Cloudy morning, rained last night, everything soaked, so gross. Went across the highway to all the stores to shop a bit, BBB, Fresh Market, Publix… Came back and started laundry, $2.25 a load and dryer, and four hours later I was done. Even managed to sneak out to Marshalls, but not on bike. Coughed all the way to the front station for more quarters. It was while at the laundry area that a man told me all the coughing was due to Red Tide! what?? we had no idea. It was rough on everyone. Ready to leave this place. Two nights, enough.

Tuesday, Dec. 15

On we drive taking I-10 to Live Oak, Suwanne River State Park. Seemed like a good idea… could kayak the Suwanee, since last time we stayed here in '08 we did nothing. Wellllllll, more clouds and humidity, just plain gross. Our spot, there were only two available, was very unlevel so we had to dig down one side, plus the front hitch to get that low enough. Went out for a quick bike ride, only to have Bill hit a root, then catch his sandal on the way down, and next thing I know he's rolling toward the river. He stopped before going over the edge, then I could laugh. It was a good one, and he was fine. About time he did some of the falls. During happy hour I noticed about dusk that a big Airstream had arrived, and would be in the next spot over. Then about a half hour later I see they are still trying to to get it in the spot so I told Bill, let's go over and see if they need help. They did and we helped. Had a different kind of lift system, but we showed them the shovel trick. As we were talking I said, hey, were you just at Destin??? Yes, it was the couple who were on bikes who helped us find the entry to the beach. Unbelievable; small world. Got them situated and went back to make dinner.
$48 for 2 nights, full hookup, except he couldn't use sewer cuz poop doesn't go uphill.

Wednesday, Dec. 16

Today is kayak day on the Suwannee. Only went about not even three miles upriver but not the most scenic or exciting, barely any birds even. Turned around and found where the Withlacoochee  joins it then called it a day. Ran into the Airstream couple and made a plan to meet for cocktails later. Next we got on bikes, still a gross overcast humid day -- hate it here -- rode around the park to see a huge sink area, and an old cemetery from the 1850s from a town that used to be there called Columbia. There were confederate earthworks there but we didn't get by to see them. Rode along the river some more, no one fell, and after four miles that was enough of that. Now time to drive into beautiful downtown Live Oak for some Winn Dixie action and a peek at the old downtown. Came home, showered, and Amy and Will came over for some camping location tips and convo. Nice fun couple, we should keep in touch but we'll see. 

Thursday, Dec. 17

Gladly left Live Oak, still crappy out, and hit I-75. Saw a peek of blue sky near Gainesville. On the way to Silver Lake Recreation Complex, no alcohol allowed (hahaaa), for biking and kayaking on the Withlacoochee. We did this maybe 15 years ago, long before Airstreams and we biked 35 miles. Not this time… Weather not too bad when we arrive, warm enough to run the air and buggy enough to get three monster bites that will hurt for days… Camp is right next the interstate, so pretty loud, good thing we keep the windows closed… This time instead of biking right away we got in a quick kayak paddle around the "lake," which is actually just a wide part of the river, to scout out where the river continues on. While out there we did a fishing line rescue for a guy on shore who had snagged a cypress knee. Our work being done, we paddled back. no bugs out there happy to say. Bill grilled and got attacked by skeeters. Weather supposed to be moving in, along with a cold front.

Friday, Dec. 18

Sun and clouds so good day to kayak. First went under the bridge, which was with the current, but it was still quite wide so we turned around and went ALL THE WAY across the lake to that other exit and down the river for a few miles. Much more interesting. Bill started whining again to turn around so we did, doing about 8 miles total. Nice ride. Good weather for it. Never sitting around for long…. time to drive to Brooksville to check out the action and do some errands. Zoom in and out, 12 miles away, Bill has to rush back. He is always in a hurry, for nothing, WTF I must ax??? Lots of huge old oaks with all the moss swaying, and more than a few Confederate flags flying. Stopped at the Cracker Kitchen and trading company but now it's a small bar, not a store like it said online. but no, we gotta go… Anyway, he's out grilling in the dark again, and now it's too cold for 'skitters he says. Started work on Bec's menu but didn't get too far.

Saturday, Dec. 19

Woke up (late, 9am) to 47 degrees -- and this is bike day! Looks like it got down to 44 last night. After a conference call to bec and vic, and another flat tire fix on bill's bike, we finally got out for a bike ride on the rails to trails Withlacoochee Trail. It was still familiar. But more exciting the first time. We pushed on, going 11 miles on the trail then turning around (yes, Bill was whining), so all total did 21.5 miles. We like to call it 22. Beautiful day, dryer finally (yay), but pretty cool but we rode anyway. It was about 64 but a lot of riding in the shade. It's now 5pm, and bill spent the last hour repacking the truck so time to what else, eat again. Humidity is 55%. And you can tell. 

For the next few weeks it is all a blur...

Sunday, Dec. 20 - Vero for a night, visit with O’Connors and Woody


Monday, Dec. 21 - Arrived Pompano, parked at man cave amidst heat and neighborhood noise. Labamba

Tuesday, Dec. 22 - to Bec's to make pasta, then pizza brought in

Wed Dec. 23 - LaBamba

Thursday Dec 24 - bec's Christmas Even extravaganza

Friday, Dec 25 - hung out

Saturday, Dec. 26 - bec and I shopped her hood

Sunday, Dec. 27

Monday, Dec 28 - Joyner and LaB lunch with Mary

Tuesday, Dec. 29 - La B in WPalm (did we really go this many times?)

Wed, Dec 30 - Keys, super hot

Thurs, Dec 31 - New Years Eve in Keys, very busy, very hot

Friday, Jan 1 - headed back

Saturday, Jan 2 - Bec and I to mall, lunch at Rocco's Tacos

Sunday, Jan 3 - packing day, bike ride with Dad, yard work with vic, feeling sick, at at Brew Fish on McNab. Finally a break in the weather. Cooler with a bit of sun.

Monday, Jan 4 - leave for Naples, drive across alligator alley, night at Welle's and boys. Her (me) sick.

Tuesday, Jan 5 - Drive to Fort DeSoto Park in St. Pete, I sick.


Wednesday, Jan 6 - slept, Bill to dinner with Barb and Roo


Thursday, Jan 7 - Gainesville. 
Camped at Micanopy’s Paines Prairie, HUGE mosquitoes, partly sunny and cloudy but drove bikes to town for campus ride one last time, 32 years after graduation. Me back to bed.

Friday, Jan. 8
Big day drive to Santa Rosa for next two nights for 10th Annual Can Opener. Spot #126. Met Pat and Patty but that's about it, don't feel much like coughing and socializing.

Saturday, Jan. 9
Tons of rain this morning, went to the movies, The Revenant. Hit a few events but cooked in and laid low. still recovering.

Sunday, Jan 10 - Leave for New Orleans. Sun finally coming out. Arrived about 2:30, 49 cold wet windy degrees. Walked to filthy Frenchie Quarter for dinner at Pierre Maspero's then over to a very disappointing Cafe du Monde. Monde was busy as always but very greasy tasting and coffee bitter -- nothing like Coffee Call's perfection!! Walked back at dusk and had a local puke, wait... no piss, along a fence right in front of us, then apologize. yeah, thanks. gross. Not enjoying this place too much, seeing it for the pit it is this time. 


Monday, Jan 11
About 32 degrees this morning. Got a late start to walk over to the Frenchie Q again (stopped to get Powerball tickets) which was good cuz we went to the Central Grocer and got a muffuletta, which we ate along the river. Walked around and shopped for cool mardi gras beads, tried a beignet at a different place (tasted better), plus hit a bakery before going home to rest before… dinner! Made a 6pm reservation for Emeril's NOLA. Still getting over my crud so took a nap in the late afternoon while Bill biked it over to City Park to check out where the action is. sometimes. Pretty cool out for the walk to dinner. Bill had the works (martinis, oyster app, drum fish entree) while I just had a jambalaya app and citrus martini -- and shared in on the bread pudding, the real reason we are here! It was colorized for mardi gras, complete with gold baby!

Tuesday, Jan. 12

Back on the road again. And tho we swore we wouldn't, we made one last stop at Coffee Call in Baton Rouge! They still beat the pants off du Monde. Good weather so just drove as far as we could to get west and went as far as San Felipe, TX, west of Houston (hit the 3:30interstate traffic), home of the first Texas post office, and first settlement by Stephen J. Austin. Nice park, had to enter from the side due to construction, but lots of standing water so bike trails closed (as if we would ride…). Lots of hanging moss -- we are still too far east! Skeeters huge so we just did a quick walk of the campground and in for the night.

Wednesday, Jan. 13

Back on the road, destination Del Rio to the Seminole Park we visited on the way out, with the intention of staying two night and paddling the Pecos River. Arrived about dusk, long day of driving on Highway 90, beautiful sunset, windy night… Woke to a soaking gray sky, cold, gray and… yep let's go. So we left and drove in soup, very poor visibility on the two lane road out. And no, we didn't win Powerball, but I got three of the numbers.

Thursday, Jan. 14

Drove in the soup with quarter mile visibility if that for about an hour to get out of it, sunny by the time we reached Sanderson. Again, wanting to go far but played it by ear. Almost stayed in El Paso, but one look at the RV place he said lets keep going on to Anthony TX even tho it was getting dark. Once thru that traffic hell (an accident with a car sitting on the wall), we then realized that Las Cruces was only 14 more miles further than going backwards to Anthony so… on to Mesilla and Hacienda again! We used our second night there instead. Watched the first Republican debate of 2016.

Friday, Jan. 15

Exciting morning, did all the laundry -- 6 loads. Hacienda has nice facilities so glad we took the time to do it there. Lunch at La Posta then to the movies at Cineport 10 to see The Hateful Eight. Yes dumb idea. Very windy at night, mornings were 27 degrees. To bed early, like every othernight. I'm still getting over this crud so bed before 8 always seems like a good idea.

Saturday, Jan. 16

9 am start! Leaving west up the first I-10 hill out of Las Cruces the truck starts its shuddering again, then the engine light then the "limp" mode, where it loses power. So we pull over and restart and it does fine for a while, until it does it again, on and off all day. Being a Saturday we are screwed anyway, so we kept going, switching plans from Safford to Tucson just in case we get stuck, which we didn't, but made it to exit 264 KOA Lazy Days in Tucson. And of course to In 'n Out Burger for lunch! Kinda cool at 60 degrees so lazed out from a bike ride, but we probably coulda…

Sunday, Jan. 17
(Writing this a month later… have forgotten, but I'm told:) We did a few nights at Lost Dutchman then packed it up to come home from there, after taking trailer back to Superstorage at Wild Horse.

Tuesday, Jan. 19

Returned home.

RIP: Peter O'Toole, Pat Harrington, Natalie Cole, David Bowie, Alan Rickman, Celene's Rene, Dan Haggerty (Grizzly Adams); El Chapo recaught. Glen Frey after we got back.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Trip #74 (5): Trailer Storage, Sedona, McDowell Park

Nov. 9 – 15, 2015

Arizona: Sedona, McDowell Park, Fountain Hills Art Show

Time to take the trailer to Arizona storage, but have some fun along the way. Two nights in Sedona, the private Rancho Sedona Campgound, where it rained most of the time, then on down to east of Scottsdale (north of Fountain Hills) for three nights, in the middle of nowhere but on a great mountain bike park. Had two days of fun rides, 10 miles each, and so glad the weather was cool. Plus the fall art show at Fountain Hills. We took the reservation land drive (hwy 13) on the way home just after Winslow through Hopi and Navajo reservation land and Tsaile, exiting down a very steep mountain and coming out near Shiprock. There were some ice patches that gave me the freaks, but at a crawl all was ok -- we were not towing. And if we were we would NEVER take this road!
Note: Paris Attacks that Friday the 13th.

Route 66 roadside attraction

Sedona campground. Never did get to ride in town, cold and rainy.

The last work project on the road? YESSSSSSSSS

Private campgrounds definitely have their rules.

From the Christmas store in Sedona.
Sedona view between clouds

Way east of Cave Creek -- the MUST stop for lunch: Inn 'n Out Burger!
McDowell camp camo bunny. Many jackwabbits running around.
McDowell Regional Mountain Park, perfect day by the way. Cool and sunny.
I saw this out of the corner of my eye in Fountain Hills.
Bye bye for a bit, bikes. Enjoy your Arizona vacation.
Back for the winter at RV Superstorage in Chandler. But I know you won't be here for long.

Our third stay at one of my most favorite places. La Posada in Winslow, a former Harvey House.

The stairs leading up to our second story room #209, the Victor Mature room

The "famous" gate which won me first place in a photo contest several years ago.
Hopi Reservation Land. Or Navajo. Beautiful either way.

The road leading to the Hopi Second Mesa, I believe part of the old Harvey "Indian Detours" back in the 1930s.

More gorgeous landscape. This is Tsaile, and the start of the steep road over to the Shiprock/Toadlena east side areas.

Trip #73 (4): Marble Canyon, Jacobs Lake, Page, Goosenecks

October 20 – 25, 2015

Arizona: Marble Canyon twice, almost the North Rim, Page, Goosenecks

Wild weather ditched our plans for three days on the north rim. Detour to Page and Goosenecks instead. A trailer slide on the rainy then slushy road to the north rim (from 41 degrees to 32 degrees in 5 miles, from moisture to snow) had us turning around and outta there as fast as possible. The sign said the road is not maintained, and I had no intention of getting stuck down there then having to navigate an icy road. No thanks! The Summer-like Page along Lake Powell was a welcomed surprise, plus gorgeous scenery at the Goosenecks. Gave us a chance to use the new bikes.

The Goosenecks! Drive up and camp.

Camping on the edge at the Goosenecks

Sunset at the Goosenecks

Mountain biking (on a road) through this deceiving grade... up and up... tough ride.

Nature gave a color show at Goosenecks that night.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Trip #72 (3): Chama, Abiquiu, Santa Fe

October 2 – 8, 2015

Colorado – New Mexico: Chama two nights, one night Abiquiu, three nights Santa Fe

Friday, Oct. 2
The days have been somewhat warm in Durango, and the work days long too… Time to head south to see some fall color, and we sure found it in Chama. A late departure for us: 11:30 am. Spent three nights at the Elk Creek Trailhead in Chama (Colorado side), disbursed camping, no rules! Generator when we want, for as long as we want. Camped downhill from the others so not bothering them. The leaves are just gorgeous all along the mountainside, looking like someone plugged them in. Overcast and rain on and off after we set up, and continued into the night. The party was on and I "over-served" myself with two vodkas then wine with dinner -- forgetting that we are at least 8800' above sea level. I was reminded when the headache and ice pick to the brain started at bedtime.

Saturday, Oct. 3
Woke to beautiful blue skies and 46 degrees, and not enough sleep. But we had to hike and so we did, about 7 miles round trip to a beautiful meadow along the Conejos River. Just gorgeous. Later took a drive around the area, not much around but washboard roads to other camps. Visited a gift shop, about the only thing in "town" and saw a wedding going on. We also took a look at Elk Creek Campground next-door, which is the official campground and is closed for the season. Great location. That was about it for the excitement, so back to home, dinner and a Doors movie on Dish. More rain and lightning in the evening. Well, at least the timing for that is perfect.

Sunday, Oct. 4
Woke to 36 degrees at 7am. Today's hike: Duck Creek. Very steep and muddy, turned around after about a mile or so, continuously wiping mud from our shoes. We were walking six inches taller. Decided to move on today, not much else to do here. Went to Abiquiu reservoir and it was really nice. Only one night so need to go back and spend more time, beautiful area. And, campground has electric, yeah! Drove around to Body's to see what the big deal is (there is none), but next time we need to do the 13 mile drive to the monastery. The Purple Adobe Lavender Farm is closed today and Monday, poo. Walked around the campground for photos of the landscape, then caught a colorful sunset at the trailer.

Monday, Oct. 5
Probably less than an hour drive to Santa Fe, so stopped for lunch at Gabriel's off the highway, north of SF. Has been on the bucket list for some time; not bad, pretty good yet expensive lunch. Found our reserved spot #12 at the deep an dark Black Canyon campground. Last time here someone stole my favorite lounge chair!! Back out to town to REI for new hiking shoes and bike discussion with their expert. I joined their club so expect great REI things. Still full from big lunch so no dinner. Did a short hike in my new hiking shoes to decide if I like them; not sure… kinda sloppy.

Tuesday, Oct. 6
Farmer's market day! Plus a little work to do, ugh, did that in the parking lot before the market. Terrible cell signal in this town. Smaller version of the market on a Tuesday, but all I needed. Had breakfast at Tecolote, another bucket list, and was horribly disappointed. Totally inedible greasy potatoes, bland eggs with what seemed like stewed tomatoes from a can… once requested I got a good red salsa. Bakery stuff not bad but overall disappointed, yet the place is full. Must me be I guess. or I ordered the wrong thing. Anyway, now we know. Did the plaza stuff after the market and had a later afternoon quesadilla and margarita atop the LaFonda, which again ruined any chance of dinner!

Wednesday, Oct. 7
Shopping day, this time up Cerillos. Discovered the new, larger Camino Real Imports -- fabulous they have it all for Mexican imports, Talavera and all. SF Stone Works for nail files for Vic, Kohl's, outlet mall, Trader Joe's, then of course, Maria's! Bill ruined that with a lunch I missed while at Kohl's so I had a "light" two tamale dinner and chips there! just one margarita for me, two for my driver, look out coyote fences! Really not loving this dark campground; it may be good for the summer because it is cool, but it is too dark and on the north side of the canyon for fall. Get me out of here! About 6 - 7 miles up from town up Artist Road. Been a bit cloudy and overcast so time to go home. Not going to extend the trip. Besides, time to shop for bikes at home…

Thursday, Oct. 8
One last trip to REI to exchange the hiking shoes, then the drive home via Abiquiu. Stopped at Echo Amphitheater and found a small campground is there, good future reference. Came home to beautiful weather; we missed all the rain they had last week. All dry now.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Trip #71 (2): To New York and Beyond (CT)

August 11 – September 9 , 2015
5700 Miles

Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut
Bents Old Fort, CO
Santa Fe Trail Ruts, KS
Dodge City, KS
Fort Scott, KS
Cuba, Hicks BBQ, MO
Graftons Amish Village, IN
Airstream Factory, Jackson Center, OH
Sirnas’ Market, OH
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, OH
East Aurora - Roycroft, NY
Watkins Glen, Finger Lakes
Seneca Lake Wineries, NY
West Hartford Mall, CT
Gettysburg Battlefield, PA

PA's Lincoln Highway (50)
Coffee Pot, Bendford, PA
Flight 93 Memorial, PA
Indianapolis 500 Museum, IN
Arrow Rock, MO
Lexington Battlefield, MO
Jesse James Home, MO
Watkins Woolen Mill, MO
Chrysler Home, Ellis KS
Boggsville, Kit Carson Home, CO

Tuesday, Aug. 11
Drove to Bent’s Fort. Camped at John Martin Reservoir. All day drive, 325+ miles

Wednesday, Aug. 12
Kansas - visit to Dodge City, and saw Santa Fe Wagon Ruts. Camped near Wichita at Cheney Reservoir, only ones in huge loop, gigantic oaks. Screaming cicadas. Warm but not killer. Loving the a/c. All day drive.

The touristy center of Dodge City, Kansas
Had to see this in Kansas!

Thursday, Aug. 13
Toured Fort Scott in east Kansas, camped in town at County Park. Neat old park, only ones there in very small campground. Again, glad for a/c.

Fort Scott restored officer's quarters.

Gunn County Park in Fort Scott. very old, like 1910...

Friday, Aug. 14
Drove awful interstates around the south of St. Louis, saw the arch from the Illinois interstate. Horrible roads, camped at Illinois' Eldon Hazlet Park. Huge park, huge lake, very busy. Another long day of driving.

Saturday, Aug. 15
Indiana, drove historic highway 50, old stagecoach road, you can tell… camped at Brown County State Park. Very old park, huge campground that was very busy. Spot given too sloped, had to re-setup in another, better spot. Long day of driving.

Actually nice enough to sit outside. At least while grilling.
Sunday & Monday, Aug. 16 - 17
Ohio - Jackson Center for Airstream factory visit, camped in the terraport. Got tour. Got some trailer tweaks. Met neighbors with similar trailer and had margs.

Tuesday & Wednesday, Aug. 18 - 19

Ohio, short drive to east of Cleveland to Punderson State Park for two nights. Again had to reset up - original site didn’t have 30 am for a/c. Pretty warm and humid here, no breeze, tried to sit outside, but ugh, went inside. Sarni’s Italian Sausage from local market, very good. Next day: Cleveland for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Great! Lunch at a trendy Taco place and then to a mall. Pretty area, hilly, country, farms, old houses.

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Cleveland.

Thursday, Aug. 20
 Pa - NY: Went from Cleveland to Darien Lakes near Clarence in driving rain, on an interstate, pulling the trailer, along barricade walls and construction. Needless to say I think I held my breath the entire way. Darien busy and had to move spots, worthless staff at park office. Ended up moving twice for three days in one place. Got to Andreas Thursday night and met up with Becky and Tim, Maggie and all went out for delicious pizza. Came back and all helped create Barb's birthday menu ...and did laundry.

Friday, Aug. 21

Bec came to trailer at camp then we went to EA in separate cars (girls won GPS race). Bec couldn't check in yet so ran in to Bob and Cindy and went to lunch at Charlie's diner. Then the race was on to buy wine for the first surprise party at Andreas, fight traffic and be back by whenever. We did it, went to Meichenbaum house for staging… By now Vic and Bob in town, along with Mike C and Dave C and Joanna. After a short shocker that Michael H wasn't there yet, we piled into cars and drove over, walked around behind her house and with a singing alert from Vic, rounded the corner—totally caught her by surprise!

Saturday, Aug. 22
The main event, but B woke up very sick. Went to her house to check in, then went to lunch with dad, bec and bob and cindy at Brothers (sat inside on a beautiful day), then Bec drove us in her blue skate out to see the new campground to make sure it was ok. Did a little Main Street shopping , changed at the Hampton to be ready for the 5:30 surprise party at Wallenweins. Earlier I slipped in the shower and jammed my left little toe so limping around.

Happy Birthday Aunt B
Sunday, Aug. 23
Moved from Darien to Coulder Lakes to the south just 9 miles away, with a tour stop on King street so family could see trailer. Went to the Roycoft  art show and toured some of the old buildings and antiques like I always have to do. Spaghetti bash, looked around the attic, a hat photo shoot, played banagrams in teams with the kids, loudly. The peristyle was always the main gathering place.

Look, found some old hats in the attic. Just add wine...
After spaghetti Team Bananagrams!

Monday, Aug. 24
Dad came to see camp with Cindy and Bob, then we all went to Bar Bill for lunch, did some Vidler shopping. Dinner with everyone and Sue and Larry at old place in Orchard Park. Got custard on the way back, yum. Picked up knitting at B's and back to camp. Everyone whipped.

Tuesday, Aug. 25

Left for Finger Lakes thru back country roads, beautiful drives, gained some elevation. Stayed two nights at Watkins Glen State Park, can't believe he got the trailer into the spot—and a guy walked over and said "well done." But to make it easy when we left we went out the wrong way thru the loop but no problem, no oncoming traffic. Went back into and accidentally drove to the old salt mine, then after cruising around the old town saw the Cannoli Shop! Got four of the best ones I've ever had. They didn't last long.

Wednesday, Aug. 26
Did a morning walk of the park's canyon and waterfalls, very busy, not too warm but humid. Had on jeans but warmed up by the time we were done. Heavy gray skies continue. Later did three wineries, Pompous Ass, Glenora and Lakewood, stocked up with about 7 bottles or so.

Thursday, Aug. 27
Left for Connecticut, driving some country roads at first, then on to the interstate all the way. Harrowing as it was around new york city area… set up iPhone battery replacement for Saturday at Hartford mall. Camped in old neighborhood at Little City Campground in Higganum, very neat old area in a privately owned park. Went to Blue Coyote for dinner but not very hungry after our usual margarita happy hour. Neat old cemetery but never got to get into it.

Friday, Aug. 28 

In Connecticut Bill's friend PJ came over about noon and they chatted while I worked, then we all went to a late lunch at a place on the Connecticut River (Canoe Club i think), nice day to be outside.

Saturday, Aug. 29
Drove north to West Hartford to meet up with PJ for lunch at Plan B, great little place and said our goodbyes there and went to the mall. Battery and shopped at the world's slowest Macys. West Farms Mall, and it was packed. PJ mentioned an italian section so we drove more into downtown and found it, Mozzicato Bakery in an iffy neighborhood so we, of course, stocked up. This has to be the last time.

Sunday, Aug. 30
Drove from Hartford south toward coast (never saw it), busy interstate all the way to Gettysburg. 330 miles of HEAVY traffic, shitty roads and construction, and NY NJ drivers! UGH hated it, but made it in one piece thank God. Camped a half mile from Gettysburg visitor center at RV resort called Artillery Ridge. Great location, old place.

Monday, Aug. 31
After a visit to the visitor center for a CD, we did a full toured the battlefield. Monument after monument help tell the story of the Confederates attempt to get a foothold, but it wasn't to be. Dinner at Blue and Gray at the “diamond.”

At the Gettysburg National Cemetery

Gettysburg, the "High Water Mark"

Tuesday, Sept. 1
Drove the Lincoln Highway out of Gettysburg, missed the round barn store, damn. Too late to turn around without a fight... Drove a good portion of the Lincoln Highway seeing some great historic sights, and also stopped to visit the Flight 93 Memorial. Camped south of Pittsburgh at Charleroi at Pine Cove beach club, a private campground place with huge pool off the interstate. Hot out.

Pied Piper Roadside attraction of the Lincoln Highway, PA
Flight 93 Memorial wall section, with note of unborn child not in black.
Buck Creek SP

Wednesday, Sept. 2

More interstate driving, he likes it to gain ground, and fewer curves; I hate it cuz we miss everything, and did miss the Zanesville Pottery, didn’t know it was a big deal. This is why he likes driving the interstates -- truck don't stop… Got a very late start at 11 am cuz I had to work but made it to Springfield Ohio’s Buck Creek State Park, really nice, paved sites, elec $26. Too bad it's too hot to sit outside once again, but we did a short walk to see the lake. Saw some ladies feeding feral cats, some whitetail deer then eating the catfood, and a field full of robins and one bright red cardinal.

Thursday, Sept. 3
Today we toured the Indy Museum in the infield of the tracking Indianapolis. And hurrah the end of the all-day interstate. A small old-style area but packed with probably millions of dollars of winning cars! didn't take long to see but enjoyed it. It is blazing outside so museums are a prefect idea. Kept going west cuz there was time and ended up at Cecil M. Harden Lake and Raccoon State Park. We found a loop for ourselves and took the handicap spot! Far away from the campfires, which stink. People sit around campfires in 88 degree weather. Plenty of room today but they will be filled for the weekend. Tried to get to the lake thru the woods but when a skeeter was on me that was it, ran back up and out. Pretty reservoir with irregular shape, CCC work.

Friday, Sept. 4

Leaving the Raccoon Park area through farm after farm, we saw a covered bridge or two. 

Been trying to snap photos out the windows of the towns and homes. Today we toured the Lincoln Museum in Springfield. Didn't get into the library but that would have been interesting too. Upon the advice of a lady in Gettysburg who said this is the best museum she has ever seen, we decided to go, and so glad we did. The exhibits were excellent, it was like being in Disney. So many artifacts.

Lincoln's gloves the night of the assassination.

Pittsfield, IL City Park campground tonight, every other place full, a city campground. Came in the back way, on limestone rock to make a dust storm, panicked at the sight of a full campground, but a gal told us there was another loop further up. So thankfully there was a spot or two left for us. In the middle of nowhere and family-full for Labor Day. Again too hot to be outside so stayed in, cooked and watched a movie. I stayed in but apparently Bill and the trailer were the talk of the camp when he walked outside. Interviews.

Tight squeeze at the end of the bridge. Glad they waited, 3 of them.
Saturday, Sept. 5
Blazing hot by 10am as we were at the dump station… today we head toward Kansas City, and with some research and the help of History Here, I found several interesting sites and commanded a stop! Off the Interstate 70 (yes back on in parts), Arrow Rock, the location of the start of the Santa Fe Trail! And today they were having an ice cream fundraiser so we timed it perfectly: bill had lunch in the trailer and came along at exactly 2pm when the contest began -- and I went to the yarn shop (Three Irish Girls yarns discovery). Wish we had more time but it was a small place and wanted to get on to the confederate place. As it turned out, ran out of time, found a place to camp at Odessa (
Country Gardens on the interstate, also a Cheese Shop), private off interstate, but paved and perfect, dinner at Mexican across the highway at the “outlet mall” and tomorrow we do the rest: Lexington Battlefield, Watkins Woolen Mill and Jesse James. Still blazing hot, not sitting outside.

Sunday, Sept. 6
Camped at Watkins Mill Campground after tour of Lexington MO Battleground historic house (didn't want to wait around for the house tour). Again blazing hot, but  after camp, drove the short 4 miles to Jesse James house, then Bill went to the lake and I toured the wool mill. I have no idea how anyone survived those 90s temps in a closed up brick mill but somehow we made it out alive, but barely. Insane heat. And they guy next to us had a smoky fire going all day and night in 90s weather. stupid.

Monday, Sept. 7
Camped at Ellis, Kansas, in a small city part, but it was on the water, elec and water AND wifi. Not bad. Very small little old RR town, and home of Chrysler boy. Saw his boyhood home. Went to the one little grocery in town and the flies kept me away from open produce…

Tuesday, Sept. 8

Camped at Martin Reservoir again (mosquito town). Drove over for a tour of Boggsville, an old Santa Fe Trail settle ment as well as Kit Carson's last home. very interesting, preserved as best they can. It was closed so we self-toured.

Wednesday, Sept. 9 - HOME!
Temps were cooling off by Alamosa, so good to be back!! And my cosmos are still just opening.