Sunday, June 22, 2014

Trip #63 (31): California, San Francisco

June 19 - July 13, 2014

Thursday, June 19
First stop Williams, AZ. Weather very nice, moderate temps. Camped at Kaibab Lake, dinner in town at "Carlos McCarthy" or something, excellent salsa and kale salad.

Friday, June 20
The hot day, driving from Williams to Calico Ghost Town, temps rising to 109 through the very boring drive thru the Mojave Desert. Very windy and hot 102 at arrival in Calico but the a/c saved us until the sun went down.

Saturday, June 21
Walked the little ghost town at 8am before it opened at 9; nothing to wait around for. Drove thru more boring desert near Palmdale until finally crossing the mountains near Santa Barbara. Drove the 101 to Gaviota state Park, which campground turned out to be basically a parking lot, no power or water. El sucko. Beach very small and crowded no where to walk so we did a short walk on a trail instead but didn't make it to the wind tunnels. Very full of kids so we drove to Solvang accidentally and found a lovely to happening town with Danish and Cecco for dinner. Very good, more wine and home to bed early.

Sunday, June 22
So glad to leave Gaviota, the parking lot. The batteries are totally dead, which has been happening a lot lately, so a trip to Batteries Plus is scheduled. Just as we expected all the campfires for the kids were stinking out the joint. Bill was sure they were cooking goat next door... Nice drive north, temps in 60s, traffic light as the hills and wineries went by. San Luis did yield two replacement batteries so that put Bill in a better mood. Vacation starts now. Switched to Highway 1 now back to the coast at times, passing Morro Bay and Cambria, where we found our next park: San Simeon. Got a fabulous corner spot on the upper level with an ocean view! Super windy, but quiet. Later drove in to Cambria, another cute town, and looked around oh at a grocery store and bakery. They had a good selection of local wine. This is becoming a bad habit after that Danish almond bear law in Solvang. Bill got a cream puff and me french ciabatta! So bad. Sat outside with some vino until cooking time, great night. Bed by 9:30. No power so that happens. Oh yeah, we also took a bike ride to the beach, where it was blowing 30 knots, wicked. Beaches are for looking, not walking. Monday is Hearst Castle.

Monday, June 23
We are camped about 5 miles south of the castle at San Simeon State Park. On the short drive north to the castle I sweat I saw some zebras in with cattle grazing along the road. Turns out they were, remnants from Hearst's zoo we came to find out. Really enjoyed the tour, we chose the Grand Rooms tour, then you are free to wander the areas outside. It was all jaw-dropping, from the cottages to the statues, to the grounds to the two huge pools. He even had an area for polar bears. Saw a muscular mountain goat-like thing on the bus ride down, an African animal the bus driver said, an aderdike? Im sure not but that's what we heard. Afterwards went to lunch at Robin's in Cambria, had to do a little work then go back out to e-mail, and had wine and bread for dinner. We took about a 3 mile walk around the park too, big area.
Even I might consider swimming again if I had the chance to dive into this.

Tuesday, June 24
Moving on north just a short way to Plaskett Creek CG in Bug Sur, about 35 miles north on winding, high mountain 2-lane coastal Highway 1. Saw the zebras again but he didn't stop for a pic. But we stopped at the Sebastian store in San Simeon for wine and saw a framed pic of some there--proof I'm not seeing things. This little town was a whaling area in the mid 1800s. Next stop a few miles up was the elephant seal lookout point, where they were all over the beach like slugs and fighting like max and win. Took about 3000 pics. And 62 and super windy... Man I was freezing--had to put on a 'snow coat'. Short drive, but soon the road started climbing. Billy did good as we skimmed the inside edges. This is like Ouray but with water below, that steep. Campground is nice, but busy, lotsa young peeps with surfboards and wetsuits,  it small. Out spot was 29, again with a water view. We walked over to the beach for a cold windy walk, white caps out there, made for a beautiful pic. Absolutely nothing around here, it backs into the mtns, so we cooked and had no tv or phone again, to bed early out of boredom. Sure catching up on sleep with no tv. Sore neck nerve all the sudden. This really sucks.

Wed - Friday, June 25 - 27
Camping in Carmel Valley at private RV campground on (dry) river. Drives to Monterey for Cannery Row, mall, harbor seals, etc. Enjoyed Monterey, must go back sometime.

Stranded in Monterey with a flat tire.

Saturday, June 28 - July 2
San Francisco! Dropped off the trailer for some bearing work in Fairfield and on to the Golden Gate Bridge -- get in line: much traffic.
Amazing digs at Ghiradelli Square Fairfield, third floor, overlooking the bay and Alcatraz. Chinatown dinner the first night after a trip to Union Square Macy's; Lombard Street walk up Hyde; and ferry to Sausalito for dinner Sunday, Monday Alcatraz tour and Italian dinner with another couple, Tuesday cable car ride to Union Square, big lunch at Daily Grill, stayed in for dinner, wed went to the Golden Gate Park for a surrey bike ride then dinner at Original Joe's. Great   company and hosts, good time with frenchies, amazing views, ice cream "in the lobby," and the entire wharf to stroll at will. Weather warm at first then it cooled off, fog not a problem but HUMIDITY HAIR FRIZ WAS HELL. Definitely need to revisit, but can never top this trip!

Walking off the Irish Coffees.
Who knew Max and Winston were such city dogs?

Union Square

How would you like to wake up and see this every morning?
Not enough attention for two dogs.
Golden Gate Park surry ride

Buena Vista's Original Irish Coffees. yum!

Hanging with Win on the third floor. Tough life, but I was so glad to do it.

Thursday, July 3
Bid a sad farewell to SF and went to pick up trailer in Fairfield with its new brake job. On to Napa at Skyline Park, which turned out to be right next to the old Napa State (mental) Hospital! Lots of reading about the nuthouse. 

The now famous "Napa Lunch." Don't plan to do much after this.

Friday, July 4
Rode bikes into downtown Napa and happened to catch the 4th of July parade. The first "Napa Lunch" with salami, cheese and a bottle of red --not very productive after that. Drove up to Calistoga passing all the wineries, not into tasting or tours. Skipped fireworks, but heard them!

Saturday, July 5
Napa Farmers Market and Oxbow Market, and In 'n Out Burgers and 6 bottles of wine from Raleys Supermarket. Bike ride but couldn't get out of fenced hospital grounds, warm but not killer hot. Bill went to store I rode bike a bit more and saw fire flare up behind the mountain. [NOTE:
The 2014 South Napa earthquake occurred in and around the city of Napa, California on August 24 at 3:20 a.m. local time, measuring at 6.0 on the moment magnitude scale. The tremor’s epicenter was located south of Napa, approximately 3.7 miles (6.0 km) northwest of American Canyon near the West Napa Fault, beneath the Napa Valley Marina on Milton Road, just west of the Napa County Airport]

Sunday, July 6
On to Lake Tahoe, saw TONS of traffic from returning vaca's on opposite direction, as we passed thru Sacramento and Truckee. Lake Tahoe was packed, river full of rafters, it is full-on summer vacation here. Camped at Sugar Pine Point CG --THE BEST SMELLING CG EVER! Pines smell wonderful. CG busy but so much by us, rode bikes to mansion, but didn't tour. Lake. Nice but overcast so not a jewel blue.

Monday, July 7
Hiked Olympic biathlon cc ski trail along General Creek to Lily Lake until the 'skitters found us so we turned around with several bites. So close, but... Rode bikes to PDQ store and deli and got lunch. Later drove truck back up to Tahoe City but not much to see -- busy with summer tourists. Took a CG walk later and met a couple from Reno with a HUGE Newfoundland dog that knew sign language!

Tuesday, July 8
Left a cloudy Lake Tahoe for the drive to Yosemite. Turned out the Sierras were both beautiful and steep! Finding the new trailer brake job from BAY AREA AIRSTREAM not so good -- the truck did all the braking until they were smoking and 200+ degrees. Super hot. But on we went past Mono Lake and the long climb into beautiful Yosemite. Reminds me of RMNP, Yellowstone, Wyoming and all the others rolled in to one. Camping at Touloumne Meadows, up at 9000 feet which surely helps for the hot summer temps. Picked a good spot we liked only to find it full of 'skeeters. Yippee. The place is packed with summer visitors and many from abroad. Summertime... 

Wednesday, July 9
Cool morning but today is the day to see the valley. A long drive from camp up high at Touloumne Meadows. Warmed up fast and was 89 before we got out of the car. Brought the bikes and rode around but it was SO hot. Visited The Ahwahnee Hotel, mirror lake, Curry Village and Yosemite Village and finally Yosemite Lodge (nothing to see here, but had lunch and cooled off). It was about 94 degrees, not sure how we did it. Must come back when fall is in the air. On the way home (soon it was 72 degrees as we climbed), we stopped to walk the mile down to Touloumne Grove to see the giant sequoias. Wow, very cool, didn't see a lot of them except one great specimen plus the famous one with the cut out from the 1890s. Back to camp pretty pooped but glad for the altitude.

Thursday, July 10
Hiked in our own neighborhood today, Lambert Dome and Dog Lake.

Friday, July 11

48 this am, moving on today toward home through Nevada on the ET highway! Neither of us got probed. Sayed the night in Panaca, NV (but first a stop for info and groceries in Caliente, which I later found out was a secret location where Warren Jeff's would do his underage marriages in a small hotel. gross.) Got to see wild horses from a tip received at the ranger station on where to go, not far from our campground. And there they were. Nice area too.

Saturday, July 12
Drove from Panaca NV to Moab Utah! Mostly interstate cuz it's hot. From 84 to 101. This is when Bill remembers we live in the mountains and tends to keep beelining for home. Good thing cuz 101 in a trailer is TOO hot. Dinner at the Moab Brewery, a short walk after dark when it's cooler. ugh.

Home on Sunday.
RIP Tommy Ramone, & Dave Legeno (?) of Harry Potter